Wednesday, March 14, 2018

well, you asked

Tired, but fine, thank you

     I had to get an oil change on my Honda today, which always makes for a fun time.
     I used the trip north to shop at several stores, teacher supply store, women's fashions, scented soaps and lotions...Jackie wanted some stuff too.
     I was pretty tired when I got home.  I tend to get cranky while shopping, which explains why a lot of crap ends up in my cart.
Like this:

     I could not buy a whole pie, because we just don't need it.  But it is pie day.  Pi day.  Life of Pi day.  Whatever.
     There is a website where you enter your date of birth and it tells you where your date falls on pi's never ending line of numbers.
     My Pi day starts at spot 463,836.  And that's serious, not made up numbers.  Find Your Pi Day is the website, if I remember correctly.  Jackie's is 211,887.
     I have a hard time comprehending a number that expands out that far.  I guess it is still expanding, sort of making it like my waistline.
     Anyway, a little audience participation here.  Enter your birthday and tell me your Pi Day.  (For example, I was born May 11 1948, so my entry was 5111948.)  Post your Pi Day in the comments section.  I wonder who will have the largest and the smallest. Pi Day.
     Jackie and I (ok, mostly me) had to find a bakery when we were near Boston so I could have Boston Cream Pie in Boston.  It was heavenly.
     This was not.
     Next year I'm going for a real pie....strawberry rhubarb or apple or cherry.
     I am not going to mess up another Pi day with bad pie.

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