Thursday, March 15, 2018

they should be rich

Ever wonder about the little things in life

     Common, ordinary things we look at.  Designs we use.  Products that we don't even think about.  The designers of these goodies should be millionaires by now.
     Dental floss, for example.  I wonder who thought of putting that little upraised part of metal on the floss container so you can pull it and cut it.  Granted, I can't do that, but the majority of people must be able to.  I end up with a foot of shredded floss and an angry clomping to the kitchen to get a scissors.
      Pop top vegetable cans.  Aren't they amazing?  You just pull the tab and the lid comes off.  Except for me, I pull the tab and the tab comes off, so I have to find a paint can opener and pry the lid off.
     Shrink wrapping of products to keep them together.  Like a three pack of facial tissue.  All you have to do is break the wrap and your boxes of tissue are right at your disposal.  Of course, my boxes are a little dented, bent, twisted and look like they were run over by a Sherman tank because I can never get the damn wrap off and I end up pulling, cursing, twisting and eventually stomping the hell out of the tissue.  Oops.   Calming breaths.  Calming breaths.
     A real advance is the handy pull tabs on the paper seals over medications and other products.  All one has to do is pull the tab and the seal easily comes off.   Except for me.  I have to get a knife and stab the paper several hundred times until the little shreds fall into the chocolate or peanut butter or Zanex because the damn little tab pulls of without pulling off the protective sealant and damn it just frustrates the hell out of me!  Calming breaths.  Calming breaths.
     Other inventions that are designed to make life better that in fact make it a living hell for me:  tv remotes; computers; call waiting; turn signals; push and twist tops; and anything printed in less than 14 point type.
     I feel better now.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes!

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