Thursday, March 29, 2018

2 more days

I still have six items on my to do list

     I started with 13, then added another 4.  So, considering I knocked off 11 items from the list, I feel pretty good.
     Yet, I am still under performing...... like the Bulls.
     Today, I thought I would watch a few innings of the Cubs opener before I worked on two more list items.
     The score was 4-1..... but when I opened my eyes again it was 4-4.  I missed a little of the action.
     I did get out to take some pictures for two projects and I managed to get a haircut.  (Yes, all of them!)
     I am hoping for good weather tomorrow so I can get 2 more items crossed off, and with the one I plan on doing after this, I can narrow the list down to 3!  And truthfully, those last 3 won't be done until Monday or Tuesday.
     The bad news is by then I will have added a dozen other items.
     I do need to manage my time better.  And eat less.  And be neater.
     I should put those on my list.

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