Friday, March 2, 2018

cornfused, as usual

Sometimes I mess myself up

     Like now.
     I exercise at the hospital three days a week.  I take my Kindle  and read a book.  I can make the print large so when I am walking or biking I can actually see  the words.
     The book, Beneath a Scarlet Sky, is based on a true story about a boy in Italy during WW II.  It is centered in Milan, a city I have had the privilege of visiting.  I saw some of the places mentioned in the book, walked the streets near the giant cathedral, rode the trolley ......  all good memories.
     I mentioned I was reading the novel and said it was about Naples, where we had visited several years ago.
     Naples?? Naples?? We've never been to Naples, I was told correctly.  I knew it was Milan, but said Naples.  Huh.
     I am also reading The Hiding Place, a WW II story that takes place in Haarlem in the Netherlands.
     When I pick up one book, I expect the characters from the other book to jump out at me and I am momentarily confused about why these Italians are in Holland and why the Dutch are hiking in the Alps.
     The one constant is Nazis, they are in both books because it is about WW II.
     Strangely, I did not plan this.  I picked up The Hiding Place because the house that is featured in the story is now a museum in Haarlem and I always thought it would be an interesting place to visit.  Someday, I may do that.
     But now I just have to concentrate on which character is where and what page am I on.
     Those are not always each accomplishments for me.
     Happy reading to all of you, along with peace and love.

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