Saturday, March 3, 2018


If you remember TV from the 60s.....

     That was the week that was.
     Black Panther on Tuesday, Cabaret on Wednesday, Avenue Q tonight.....and a minor miracle in the self accomplishment area:

     Yes, I finished my puzzle.  You were right, there were no missing pieces.  You were right, keeping at it takes time but I can do it.  Plus, I already glued I just need a frame.
     Seriously if you live in the Rochelle area and are up for a funny, irreverent play, see Avenue Q.
     But if swearing bothers you, don't go.  On the other hand, if you wonder what it's like when two puppets have sex, maybe you should go.
     Now, it's time to say good night.  Good night, sleep tight. 

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