Friday, March 16, 2018

paying for my sins

I am not a good person

     I had some Ollie's today.  It was cold.  So was the Ollie's.
     We had Irish Cream Cake......  That was my reward for being a good boy at the eye guy's.
     Then I had ribs for supper.
     I ate all the things I am not supposed to eat because it does not help my weight issue to keep pouring stuff in my mouth.
     But damn, it all tasted pretty good.  Especially the Ollie's.
     And I shared some good Italian red with a friend.  Wine from a village I visited.
     Also solved the mystery of the missing pictures.  They are on my old laptop.  Now that it is fully charged, I can see the photos from 2014 and 2015 that I never put into an album.  Maybe I'll start.

     Here are some pictures to entertain you on this last blast of a winter's night.

One fist, two fish, blue fish.

Look who's driving!!!!  Or will be when we finish our cones.

1 comment:

  1. Thats FunNy Brother Dickow , Cheesy but FunNy , sounds like You all had a Blast , Much Love to You all and I Pray the Best for You all in the Beautiful City of Rochelle. keep up the Great Blog Brother!!
