Sunday, March 18, 2018

Columbus sailed the ocean blue

Why is this little post done for Columbus?

     I will save the answer till the end.
     I have not talked about statistics for a while, so hear goes.
     So far, over 150,000 visits have been recorded on my blog!
     During the past week, 150 visits were made to the entry on pi day....making it one of the larger visited posts in the past few months.
     The post I did after the tornado destroyed Emily and John's house had 1,200 visits.....and I hope I never do another one on that topic!
     So, what does Columbus have to do with this?
     Remember, he sailed in the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria in 1492.
     And this is blog entry 1492.  (No captain's log.)  (I know, it wasn't funny.)
     Not bad for someone who can't finish things, huh?
     Again, thanks for reading my daily trivia.
     Peace and love to all.

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