Friday, March 9, 2018

uh oh.......

I tend to procrastinate, a lot

     That's why this week I have started putting together a vacation photo book.
     Of Cuba.
     I went in 2016.
     Actually, my two year anniversary is coming up shortly.  My friend Dan and I went on a Roads Scholar tour and it was awesome!
     Anyway, I have an Apple computer.  So I started playing with the pictures.
     First, I picked out the ones I really liked and thought would go good in a book.
     Next I tried to figure out how to make the book.  I stayed with it and finally figured it out.
     Then I started ordering and placing pictures, so that like things went together.  So all the Hemingway home pictures are in one spot, cars in get the idea.
      I had to add some pages to get the cars in.
     And some more for the farms we visited.
     And some more for the people we visited.
     I got tired and stopped.
     I think I have 44 pages... most with three or more photos.  They charge by the page.
     I am up to $92 and still have some pictures I really, really, really want to use.
     I am on the Horns of a Dilemma, as they say.
     First off, I am cheap.  But I figure the book will be a memory jogger for when I sit on the rocker at the old folks home, drooling my pudding down my chin.  I can look at the book and ask people, "Who's the idiot who spent $92 on this?"
     So in that sense, it will be priceless.
     I think it is pretty neat.
     I will have three more 2016 books............I might need a second job.  Or at least a first one!

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