Monday, March 5, 2018

the only thing we have to fear

I was once a fairly balanced person

     I was never brave in the true sense of the word.  I hate violence.  I don't watch hockey because of the fights.  I can't stand boxing and ultimate fighting competitions.  We have a fight or flight mentality and I always preferred the flight.
     Now I am even beginning to be mentally not brave.
     Buy the tickets, or not?
     Get the test, or not?
     Have some wine, or not?
     Walk on the ice, or not?
     Every little decision seems to be killing me slowly lately.  I can't make up my mind about anything trivial or semi important.  Tea or coffee?  Well, I had coffee yesterday and maybe I shouldn't have it two days in a row.  But the tea?  Well it gets awfully strong the more it steeps and sometimes I forget to take the tea out so maybe the coffee is better.
     So I end up having neither.
     It took me five minutes to decide on what flavor of yogurt I wanted. 
     I have not shined my shoes for months because I am afraid of making a mess somewhere.
     Every decision is becoming an exercise in illogical thinking. 
     Is my throat sore because I am getting the flu and will die?  Or am I just getting a cold.  Do I go to the doctor and have it checked out or wait?
     I hope it is just a phase and it passes soon.  But what if it isn't, and doesn't????
     Great.  Another thing to worry about.
     I think I need spring to come real soon.
     But what if it doesn't????  Here I go again.

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