Wednesday, March 7, 2018

holy crap

I do save too much

    I was downstairs going through some boxes the other day when I found a blue binder, about 4 inches thick.
    In it were stories and pictures from my early days as a reporter.  Jackie cut them out, dated them and glued them to  paper.
     Girls...don't worry, I am getting rid of it.  Along with some other things I have found in the basement.
     But two pictures were in the pile.....and I won't get rid of those.
     One of them won a photo of the year  award from the Illinois Press Association.  The second one should have, but didn't.
     I have the plaque, now I have re-found the picture.
     The stories and pictures brought back a lot of memories....but sometimes you just have to let stuff go............right?
     Now I am going to let go of wakefulness.
     Peace and Love to all.

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