Saturday, March 31, 2018

Happy Easter

It's hard to believe tomorrow is Easter

     It will be cold, and maybe some snow.
     And it is April there will be plenty of pranks, I'm sure.
     We are going to brunch, we being Jackie, Emily, John and me.  We are staying local this year.
     Tonight there is a blue moon, the last until 2020, or at least that is what I read somewhere.
     Seems we have had a lot of them lately.
     I went to Ollie's after church tonight.  Yes, it was cold and breezy but I felt like having some custard.  I was going to the store so I was not going out of my way.
     The line stretched around the corner!  I did not want to stand out in the cold for a cold treat, so I didn't go.
     I put the roll up gutter extensions on my downspouts.  The things are supposed to fill with water, roll out, empty out and roll back up.
     Mine seem to be stretched out and all twisted.  So much for rolling back up on their own.
     And I don't have anything in my life trap.  I heard a bunch of noise this morning and had a vision of coyotes attacking the trap and making off with it.  Call it my active imagination.  The trap is still there, and still empty.
     That's life, I guess.
     Have a blessed Easter. 

Friday, March 30, 2018


We have a problem with ground squirrels

     The dig into the patio, under the steps, under the driveway, in my garden.  Corki managed to catch one last year and I ran over one when mowing....just didn't see it in the tall grass.  Did not even dent the population.
     They sometimes came out when I mowed last summer and actually ran around the mower as it was moving, like a game!
     So I set up a live trap today.  Hopefully I can catch the little critters and take them over the the park and let them go.  And they better not come back here.
     They may be cute, but they are destructive.
     I really wish I could get out and work in the garden and yard, but it is too darn cold for me.
     I plan to order mulch next week, which is always fun.  I order it and it sits there for a month before I start to spread it.  I won't let that happen this year. 
     Maybe my then the critters will be gone.
     I am not holding my breath.

what a gas

I almost had a disaster today

     We have ground squirrels.  They dig tunnels under our patio, driveway, into the trees, in my garden.  There are several holes in my yard.
     I decided I would wage war on them this year.
     I bought a live trap.  And I bought gas bombs.
     The gas bombs look like a giant firecracker.  You stick in the fuse, light it and shove it in the hole, then cover the  hole to keep the noxious fumes inside.
     I put one between the house and the steps, because they have dug out a tunnel there.  I lit it and stuck it in.
     I put one behind the steps into the house on the patio.
     And I put one under the driveway.
     They sure did smoke!
     I went into the house and noticed the smell was in the house.  I just assumed it came in with me.
     Jackie was in the den and asked what that smell was.
     I went in there and it was pretty strong.
    By now it was strong in the house everywhere.
    I opened the front door and the windows and tried to air out the house.  That helped.
      I went downstairs and the basement reeked of the gas!  I opened the windows down there, but I think that just blew it upstairs.
     We had doors and windows open for half an hour, and there is still a hint in the air.
     It's as if the ground squirrels figured a way to get the fumes inside... and mounted a counter attack.
     After that fiasco, I opted for a live trapping device.  We'll see if any take the bait, so to speak.
     When I catch them, I will take them out to a park and let them go...and they better not find their way back here.
     Funny thing...I have used the bombs before and it has never come in the house.
     Wonder what's changed.
     And please, I know they are cute little critters but they are highly destructive too.
     And there is a lot of them.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

2 more days

I still have six items on my to do list

     I started with 13, then added another 4.  So, considering I knocked off 11 items from the list, I feel pretty good.
     Yet, I am still under performing...... like the Bulls.
     Today, I thought I would watch a few innings of the Cubs opener before I worked on two more list items.
     The score was 4-1..... but when I opened my eyes again it was 4-4.  I missed a little of the action.
     I did get out to take some pictures for two projects and I managed to get a haircut.  (Yes, all of them!)
     I am hoping for good weather tomorrow so I can get 2 more items crossed off, and with the one I plan on doing after this, I can narrow the list down to 3!  And truthfully, those last 3 won't be done until Monday or Tuesday.
     The bad news is by then I will have added a dozen other items.
     I do need to manage my time better.  And eat less.  And be neater.
     I should put those on my list.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

glad to be retired

Today was a busy day

     Exercised, took friends to the airport, bought water softener salt, did dishes. went out to I am getting sleepy.
     I took my friends to O'Hare.  The had a 3:30 flight, and I know for international flights they like you there at least two hours early, even three.
     So we left at about 10:40.
     I am not sure what happened.  There is construction on the tollway between Rochelle and DeKalb, reducing eastbound lanes to one with lots of trucks.
     Whatever, we got to the airport at .... 11:50.
     I didn't think I was driving fast, although I did use the driving machine today because it has more storage space.
     Must just have been good traffic flow.
     I stopped at Lowe's in DeKalb to buy some water softener salt on the way home.
     I grabbed one of those big, flat blue carts, grabbed a package of super glue, and went off to find salt.
      It occurred to me I had never bought salt there and had no idea where it was.  So I stopped a nice lady and asked.
     "In the foyer.  Tell them at the register what you want and pay for it, then go grab it."
     I dutifully got in line with my huge blue cart with the tube of glue on it, and immediately caused a problem.
     "You have that big cart for that little package?" laughed the lady in front of me.  "What, was it too heavy for you?"
     "Hey," I replied.  "this was the only cart I could find.  My arms are tired."
     The clerk just kept quiet and stared at me.  The lady in front of me forgot about a gallon of paint she had in her cart and blamed it on me!  "He distracted me with his big cart," she said.
     We all laughed about it.  When she was done I told them I wanted five bags of water softener salt, which made the clerk happy because she was a little confused.
     "I was hoping you weren't using the cart just for the glue," she said.
     "I'm a man...I don't have to be reasonable or practical," I told her.
     All was well that ended well.  When I got home I had to take the 40 pound bags to the basement, which was a pretty good cardio workout.
     I bought one of those three wheeled carts that climbs stairs and strapped a bag to the cart.  Makes life a lot easier.
     And a bonus to the day was I listened to the Beatles on Sirius for a long time.... love the Fab Four.
     And now, it's time to say good night, good night, sleep tight.  Dream sweet dreams of....well, what ever you want.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

one down

I am knocking off tasks, almost

     I finished my Cuba book, after two years.  But I can't seem to order it!  When I enter my address, it tells me it's an invalid address.  I know my address!!!
     Damn technology when it doesn't work.
     So I go on the live chat.  The nice lady tells me not to enter my e mail address in the address line.  Me bad.  I used the auto fill and it put in the e mail.
     I did it correctly and my order has been placed.
     Hopefully it turns out as good on paper as it is in my mind.
     We had a shower problem.  For the last few weeks the water has not come out very well.
     I called Moen learned that as original owners, the product has a life time they sent a new shower head.
     Yes, I could install it myself.
     Very easy to do.
     Unscrew the shower head and screw the new one on.
     And I could have installed the new slide bar.  Remove the cover, unscrew the bar, slide new slider on, replace bar, tighten screw, replace cover.
     Here's how my project would have gone.
     Attempt to remove shower head, turning it the wrong direction, thereby tightening instead of loosening.  Realize my mistake and try to turn the now over tightened head the correct direction.
     Accidentally hit the water control, turning on the shower and dousing me with cold, very cold water.
     Turn off water, yell "Fine" at the top of my lungs, dry off and continue working.  (Note:  I probably would not yell "fine.")
     After 45 minutes, I would have the head replaced and could work on the slider.
     I would take the bar cover off, , unscrew the bar, hit the water again, dousing me a second time with cold water and causing me to drop the screw down the drain.  Drying off, I would have to take the drain cover off and attempt to retrieve the screw, which will prove impossible.  I would then yell Fine, Fine, Fine and call the fine plumber.
     I could have done that.
     But I saved myself a lot of aggravation and possibly averted a stroke.  Instead, I happily sipped my tea while a professional took care of my business.
     Who says I haven't learned anything in life?

Monday, March 26, 2018

whine, whine, whine

I sometimes get tired of eating

     Wait, that is not true.  I love eating.  I will never get tired of eating.
     But here is my problem.
     We had tacos tonight.
     Well, look at the aftermath.

     Yes, the kitchen is a mess.  It was tacos, for crying out loud!
      I did my job, and this is what happened half an hour later.

     Not perfect, but much better.
     Age seems to be catching up to me.  I was behind a young man going into the bank, and he held the door open for me.
     I said thank you, but I really wanted to say, "Get a damn belt to hold up your pants."
     He would walk two steps and then pull up his pants.  Just like me in the back yard, which is why I wear suspenders while working outside.
     I wanted to give him some boxes to hold to see what he would do, but I didn't have any boxes.  Or a coffee and a doughnut.  But didn't have either of those.
     He was very nice, opening the door. 
     But all the while I kept thinking his pants would fall down.
      I hate this weather.  Cold, damp.  Where the heck is spring?  It hasn't sprung, it isn't warm, it is just crappy out side.
     There.  Three whines.
     I feel better now.
     Peace and love to everyone out there.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

ho, ho, ho

I followed my wife's advice

     I mentioned I had a lot of little things to do.  Actually, I said, "Shit, I forgot to ......"
     She suggested I make  list of all the things I need to do.
     So I did.
     I stopped at 16.
     Some of these are minor, and I should have done them months ago.  I still have Christmas decorations on the porch!  They need to go into the basement.  They are on the list.
     My Cuba photo book.  On the list.
     Some VCCT publicity work.  On the list.
     I wrote stuff down Saturday night.  Today, I crossed off four items....but then I added two, so my net gain is two.
     At least it is two.
     I work on things a little at a time, so maybe one day this week I will finish about 10 tasks in a five minute period.
    But until then, I'll be slaving away on my own to do list.
    If I stop thinking of things I have to do, that would help.  At least then I would not have to add items to the list.
     Oops....just thought of something else. 
     Damn, I need more paper.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Today was one of those days

     Emily and John had to put down Bennett, one of the Great Danes.  He has wobbler's disease, and walking has gotten increasingly difficult.  I guess he stopped eating and moving off his bed.  The poor guy must have been in too much agony.  So the kids are grieving and rightly so.
     Bennett survived the tornado, although I don't know how.  He was in a crate and the crate was in the back yard, all twisted up....but no Bennett.  He had a lampshade on at the time because he was scratching some stitches.  Hours later he was found, still wearing the collar.  He had been in the horse pasture behind the house and eventually worked his way to the front, where he gladly jumped into a car for safety and security.
     He had a great bark.  Strong, deep.  When I first met him he frightened me.  He would growl and bark, and a dog of his size is kind of intimidating.  But over time we became friends, although he was still wary of me.  When I stayed there he would come and stand by me for some head scratches and pets.
     Now he is free from his pain.
     I would have loved to be in Chicago today for the march.  These kids are going to change the world in ways my generation only dreamed of doing.  I admire their grit and their voice.
     No snow for us, which was a good thing.  I was sort of hoping to use up the gas in the snow blower.....but it is still only March.
     I forgot about the blackout tonight to create awareness of conserving power.  Funny, I just didn't think about it until late.  Earth Day came from my generation, as did the clean air and water acts.
     But it wasn't enough.
     I hope these kids don't settle.  Fight the fight, my young friends.
     Peace and love to all.

Friday, March 23, 2018

people be crazy

And not in a good way

     Driving on the expressways near the city is an experience.  People who merge without signals, slow drivers, fast drivers, people who sit on your tail, people who cut in front of you, people who cross four lanes of traffic to exit.
     Today I saw the ultimate in stupidity.
     I was motoring along in a 60 mph zone by the Aurora exits.  I was doing about 66 and keeping up with most traffic.  And I was in the far right lane, you know the one for those of us who drive slower.
     The lanes were full....there was a car in every lane.
     I heard this rumbling from my left and looked over.  There was someone in a blackish SUV driving on the shoulder at about 100 miles an hour!  He was passing cars like they were standing still!  Then he cut over, zipped around a couple of cars and went back on the shoulder.
     I don't believe it was a police car...I didn't see any lights.  And it really was such a shock, I couldn't tell you what make of car it was.  I was speechless.  Well, since I was in the car by myself, I technically was speechless the whole drive.
     I had coffee at my training session today.  And a pop for lunch.  And a Starbucks for the drive home.  I may be wired.
     It was the Starbucks stop that led me to an important discovery.
    When I drive into the city, I generally listen to the local oldies until DeKalb.  Then I switch to public radio to about Orchard Road.  Then I go to WDRV, the Drive, for classic rock the rest of the way.
     I lost the local oldies just outside of town.  I lost WNIJ shortly after DeKalb.  I could not get WDRV.  I ended up listening to AM talk radio.
     Nothing like that has ever happened before.  I thought maybe sunspots?  Nuclear war?  Faulty radio?
     Later in the day I stopped at Starbucks and noticed I could not see the mileage on my car's dash.  I put my hand up there and weird, I found a 10 inch piece of rubberized something that looked a little like a black unicorn horn.  Was Martellus Bennett in my car?
     I don't know how it got there, and was not sure what it was but it looked familiar.
     There was a little screw on one end, so it screwed into something.
     Then it hit was my antenna.  On my instrument panel?
     I took my car in for servicing last week and they did a I am thinking that the antenna fell off at some point and someone put it in the car with the plan to screw it back on, but forgot.  Like whenever I go into a room with something in my hand and put it down, only to find it two days later.
     Once I screwed it back in and started driving, my reception improved a lot.
So Starbucks was a good thing today, in more ways than one.
     And I encourage you to frequent Starbucks often....I am a stockholder.  Your purchases improve my portfolio.
    Peace and love and maybe some snow.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

s'no forecast

Will it, or won't it?

     I have heard predictions of from a dusting, no snow, 2 inches, 9 inches....they are all over the map!
     I have a zoo day tomorrow and am glad it is supposed to start late.  Chicago stations say most of the snow is west and south of the city.  Well, we are west, so maybe that is a bad omen.
     Time will tell.
     I do have a mower to sell.  This is a walk behind, self propelled Toro.  It's in good condition, in fact has not been used for a few years.  Just another attempt to get rid of unwanted items.
     Speaking of that. ...... Jackie informed me the birthday cards and all for the girls should not to be tossed until they get to look at them.  Makes sense.  When they were 1 they could not read, so maybe now they will appreciate the cards.  Those mildewed, smelly, browning cards.
     I was sitting in the house looking around and thought, geez, we can be slobs.  Papers everywhere.  It could be a bad sign when both of us can't deal with paper.
     I think that's why we enjoy people coming over.  We have to be neat.  Or at least neater.
     So, help us keep a cleaner house.  Come visit.  Just give us an hour or two to pick up.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

trivial pursuits

I have another list

     This is a list of trivial stuff that takes hardly any time at all to do.  I just don't do it.
     Picture order.  Complaint letter to Rockford TV station blocking WGN.  Flight reservation in Europe.  E mail about a grant. 
     Ordering new downspout extenders.  Finding the doo hickey for the car that Jackie can use as a grab bar.
     Nothing takes a lot of time.  I just need to do them.
     I have cut back on solitaire and also on browsing Facebook.  I don't want anymore of my personal information hacked and used against me in upcoming fake news stories.
     Although I always fall for the ones about puffins or elephants.  A fake story on puffin elephants would capture my attention, probably for hours.
     As soon as I am done here I will tackle one or two of those tasks. 
     So, pardon me for being short, but I think I will get to work on a couple of them.  It's early, and although I am really tired, I can still get something done.
     Peace to all.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

thanks for the memories

I culled some deadwood from the basement boxes

     I found our baby books for Julia and Emily.  We managed to fill out a few of the pages, but the first seven years of our baby's life turned out to be the first seven weeks.
     I found some preschool drawings Emily and Julia did.....can't really tell what they were drawing, but we saved them.  Until today.
     Report cards, first birthday cards for the girls, including some from relatives long gone.  I put those aside, for now.
     Yearbooks from Lake View High School for the classes of 59, 60, 61 and 62.  My brother Carl said those were my other brother Denny's books.  Not sure if his kids want them, but I will ask.  Otherwise I will get them to the high school.
     My NIU BS diploma.....but it was a little mildewed, so I tossed that.
     A notebook full of articles and pictures I took when I was starting out in journalism, and an editorial I wrote when I worked at the Northern need to save them, so I pitched them.
     Several of my columns from when I was editor at the Ogle County Life.  I did not toss them yet, thought I would read through them any maybe share one or two with all of you.
     As parents, we tend to save a lot of stuff we think our kids will want someday.  But in reality, no one wants the picture of a lion that faintly resembles a mole on my left arm.  We may have hung it on the fridge once, but that was a long time ago.
     I do have a couple of pictures I want to share with you.

     I took this picture at a turkey trot at the old high school.  When it came time for Illinois Press Association honors, the paper submitted it and it won for best feature picture for newspapers of our size in Illinois.  I still have the plaque.  Looking at the picture, I think I may have gotten her age wrong, but I am not sure.  

     Jackie taught at Steward School when she first started out.  At the annual Christmas program, Bob VanHise, the janitor, came though the chimney and got stuck....bringing the entire chimney down.  The crowd went crazy.  This was also submitted, but the judges, if I remember correctly, gave it an honorable mention because it looked staged.  We had a second picture of Bob standing off to the side, scratching his head, in front of all the students and parents.

     The skinny young fella on the right was smiling for the only time during the entire prom experience.  I wish I was that size again.

     So, there you have it.
     A trip down my memory my memory recalls it, anyway.
     By the way...if you want some old school papers, stop by anytime.
     Peace and Love

Monday, March 19, 2018

deep dish

It was a pizza feast

     Deep dish pizza, good friends, and great atmosphere.
     That sums up today.  Jackie and I drove into Chicago and met Kathy and John at Gulliver's, a rather interesting restaurant on the far north side.
     We had a deep dish, and the crust was butter crispy and the pie delicious.
     The inside of the restaurant is pretty neat.

     There are dozens of ceiling lights of all different sizes, shapes and colors.    The restaurant has an exposed brick wall, lots of mirrors, statues and just is a feast for the eyes.
     Did I mention the pizza was awesome?
     So here is a problem:
     We leave Rochelle at 3:30 and get there at 5:30.  Yes, traffic was heavy but I had a coffee at home at about 1:30 and had to make a stop on the way. 
     At dinner I had two glasses of water, two glasses of pop, and a coffee.
     How many stops did I make on the way home?  0.  Nada.  Nil. Not a one.
     I even let the dog out, petted her, walked the house to check for surprises, pulled the bed down and did not yet have to use the bathroom!
     The same thing happens on zoo days.  I usually have to stop once on the way there, but I drink a pop for lunch and have a large coffee on the way home and never stop.
     I think it is a psychological thing....I know I am on a schedule to get someplace and I don't want to be late, even though I usually am.
     No pressure on return trips, so no pressure on the bladder.
     Anyway....return trip took about 1:30.  No traffic either.
     Now I wonder if I will be able to get to sleep considering all the caffeine I have had tonight!!
     Here's hoping......

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Columbus sailed the ocean blue

Why is this little post done for Columbus?

     I will save the answer till the end.
     I have not talked about statistics for a while, so hear goes.
     So far, over 150,000 visits have been recorded on my blog!
     During the past week, 150 visits were made to the entry on pi day....making it one of the larger visited posts in the past few months.
     The post I did after the tornado destroyed Emily and John's house had 1,200 visits.....and I hope I never do another one on that topic!
     So, what does Columbus have to do with this?
     Remember, he sailed in the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria in 1492.
     And this is blog entry 1492.  (No captain's log.)  (I know, it wasn't funny.)
     Not bad for someone who can't finish things, huh?
     Again, thanks for reading my daily trivia.
     Peace and love to all.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

game night

We had a guest over tonight

     Young Camryn visited us while John worked lights at the play.  Emily went to see the show, which was for those 18 and over.  So Camryn stayed with us.
We had a meat lovers pizza, which was fantastic.
     And we played games.
     Jackie thumped us in Can't Stop, a game involving daring and dice.
     She didn't want to play Scrabble, so it was just the two of us.
     The youngster beat me, but let me explain.  We played a little loosely with the rules.  I am still wondering if zext is a legitimate word, let alone one that gets the  10 point z a triple score.  And I don't remember using ac in a sentence, unless it was a contraction.  She also got to pick her tiles......sometimes selected 11 or 12 before finding the letter she needed.  But we had fun.
     Then we played Yahtzee.  I never win at Yahtzee.  I don't know why, I just do a terrible job at filling in the squares.  And I did not win tonight, because on her second roll she actually got Yahtzee. 
     Then we tried Farkle.  I think I have played it before, but I was a little tired and the rules didn't make sense, so we just rolled dice and kept score.  I think she beat me three out of four times........luck is not on my side.
     I can't get Jack to ever play Scrabble, so I mostly play on the computer.  It was nice to have a human on the other side of the  board.
     And as a bonus, I had my first cup of coffee outside at Cypress House in the afternoon.  It was a bit cool, but the sun felt nice and the coffee was great.
     I just hope I can sleep tonight.

Friday, March 16, 2018

paying for my sins

I am not a good person

     I had some Ollie's today.  It was cold.  So was the Ollie's.
     We had Irish Cream Cake......  That was my reward for being a good boy at the eye guy's.
     Then I had ribs for supper.
     I ate all the things I am not supposed to eat because it does not help my weight issue to keep pouring stuff in my mouth.
     But damn, it all tasted pretty good.  Especially the Ollie's.
     And I shared some good Italian red with a friend.  Wine from a village I visited.
     Also solved the mystery of the missing pictures.  They are on my old laptop.  Now that it is fully charged, I can see the photos from 2014 and 2015 that I never put into an album.  Maybe I'll start.

     Here are some pictures to entertain you on this last blast of a winter's night.

One fist, two fish, blue fish.

Look who's driving!!!!  Or will be when we finish our cones.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

they should be rich

Ever wonder about the little things in life

     Common, ordinary things we look at.  Designs we use.  Products that we don't even think about.  The designers of these goodies should be millionaires by now.
     Dental floss, for example.  I wonder who thought of putting that little upraised part of metal on the floss container so you can pull it and cut it.  Granted, I can't do that, but the majority of people must be able to.  I end up with a foot of shredded floss and an angry clomping to the kitchen to get a scissors.
      Pop top vegetable cans.  Aren't they amazing?  You just pull the tab and the lid comes off.  Except for me, I pull the tab and the tab comes off, so I have to find a paint can opener and pry the lid off.
     Shrink wrapping of products to keep them together.  Like a three pack of facial tissue.  All you have to do is break the wrap and your boxes of tissue are right at your disposal.  Of course, my boxes are a little dented, bent, twisted and look like they were run over by a Sherman tank because I can never get the damn wrap off and I end up pulling, cursing, twisting and eventually stomping the hell out of the tissue.  Oops.   Calming breaths.  Calming breaths.
     A real advance is the handy pull tabs on the paper seals over medications and other products.  All one has to do is pull the tab and the seal easily comes off.   Except for me.  I have to get a knife and stab the paper several hundred times until the little shreds fall into the chocolate or peanut butter or Zanex because the damn little tab pulls of without pulling off the protective sealant and damn it just frustrates the hell out of me!  Calming breaths.  Calming breaths.
     Other inventions that are designed to make life better that in fact make it a living hell for me:  tv remotes; computers; call waiting; turn signals; push and twist tops; and anything printed in less than 14 point type.
     I feel better now.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

well, you asked

Tired, but fine, thank you

     I had to get an oil change on my Honda today, which always makes for a fun time.
     I used the trip north to shop at several stores, teacher supply store, women's fashions, scented soaps and lotions...Jackie wanted some stuff too.
     I was pretty tired when I got home.  I tend to get cranky while shopping, which explains why a lot of crap ends up in my cart.
Like this:

     I could not buy a whole pie, because we just don't need it.  But it is pie day.  Pi day.  Life of Pi day.  Whatever.
     There is a website where you enter your date of birth and it tells you where your date falls on pi's never ending line of numbers.
     My Pi day starts at spot 463,836.  And that's serious, not made up numbers.  Find Your Pi Day is the website, if I remember correctly.  Jackie's is 211,887.
     I have a hard time comprehending a number that expands out that far.  I guess it is still expanding, sort of making it like my waistline.
     Anyway, a little audience participation here.  Enter your birthday and tell me your Pi Day.  (For example, I was born May 11 1948, so my entry was 5111948.)  Post your Pi Day in the comments section.  I wonder who will have the largest and the smallest. Pi Day.
     Jackie and I (ok, mostly me) had to find a bakery when we were near Boston so I could have Boston Cream Pie in Boston.  It was heavenly.
     This was not.
     Next year I'm going for a real pie....strawberry rhubarb or apple or cherry.
     I am not going to mess up another Pi day with bad pie.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

spring, where art thou?

We had an MS doctor appointment today

     He is in Rolling Meadows, so it's always a good time to visit Jackie's sister Judy and enjoy a Portillo's lunch.
     I love Portillo's.....but it does not like me.  I have a weight issue, and I had no intention of having a shake and fries with my meal....but I did.  My only regret was I did not see the mint chocolate shakes available sign before I took my first sip.
     Anyway, MS guy says no change is good.  Someday I think they will give a magic cure. Honestly, it is a depressing, frustrating illness.
     Now that that's out of my  system, technology snaffued me again.  (Is that a word?)
     I told Jackie to take a video of the weather as we drove.  When I got home I loaded her video onto our computer and somehow in the process I appeared to load about 978 pictures from our computer on her phone.  It took me 20 minutes to delete them.
     Then I looked at her video and thought I could edit the part out where she films her legs.
     I Googled it and voila!  I edited my first ever video!  It's kind of easy.
I finally powered up my old laptop and found pictures from Europe in 15 but none for 14.  I am still confused as to why that is.'s our drive home.  If it actually loads....if not, I will post it on Facebook.

Monday, March 12, 2018


I don't know how it happened

     Sometime this afternoon, my telephones reset to the correct time.
     I did not touch them.  They were an hour off, then they were correct.
     I fired up my old laptop and discovered something interesting.
     I am a lapsed photographer!
     When Julia moved to Europe, I took dozens of pictures.  I made copies, enlargements, and put them in albums.  When digital became the way to go, I took hundreds of pictures and put them in albums.
     She went in 2002, so did we.
     I have albums of us in Germany, France, Italy....all over the area that Julia loves to show to her mom and pops.
     My friend Dan and I went in 2011 and spent five weeks in France.  I have a book with pictures from that fantastic time.
     Then I stopped.
     2012 trip with friend Sheri, where we visited Paris and Milan?  No book.
     2013 trip when we rented a villa in Tuscany and had family and friends join us during a two week stay, followed by my going to Barcelona?  No book.
     2014?  2015?  Nothing.  No pictures.  No book.
     My tour of the French Christmas markets in 2016?  Our trip to Vermont?  Emily and John's wedding in Las Vegas?  The Cuba tour?  No book.  Or books.
     We didn't go in a matter of fact, we did not go anywhere in 2017, so it is natural I don't have a book.
     I have started a Cuba book....and will do the wedding next, followed by Vermont and then the Christmas markets.  There are too many memories to put in one book.
     I know the day will come when I will cherish sitting down and looking through these pictures.  I found that out last week while looking at the time    Jackie and I spent in Germany before I started using a book option on the computer.
     The pictures are a way for me to maintain those memories. 
     I better get them done soon, before my computers crash and everything disappears.
     Or worse, before my mind crashes and everything disappears.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

damn clocks

The time change really messed me up

     I have been getting up at around 7 lately.  I think the exercise program has something to do with that.
     Last night we set all the clocks ahead one hour.  Microwave, oven, cuckoo, radio, bathroom clock....everything went ahead an hour.
     I have a phone by my bed.  The phone has the time on it.  I always check the time when I wake up.
     I must have been tired.  Or it could have been the pinot noir consumed while playing cards.  Not sure.  But I slept well.
     I woke up, and looked at the phone and it was 8:40.  I figured no problem, I can sleep another 20 minutes and then get up, shower, dress and make church at 10:30.
     Plan worked out correctly.  At exactly 9:02 on the phone I got up, went into the kitchen to make tea and the microwave and oven and cuckoo all said 10:02.
Actually the cuckoo was cuckooing the 10 as I stared at the microwave.
     The phones are all one hour behind.  We have had these phones for years and I never ever remember changing the time, either springing ahead or falling behind.
     What the hell??
     I then discovered my Sunday Tribune was not there again, making it 5 weeks in a row I did not get the Trib. 
     At that point I decided to go to Avenue Q.  Jackie was having a tough day moving and didn't feel up to it, so I went by myself.
      I know I have the directions for the phones someplace....if I can find them maybe I can figure out how to change the time.
     Until then, I'll have to find my watch to see if I should be getting up.
     It's a rough life, being retired.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


This was a pretty darn good day

     I was the announcer for the St. Patrick's Hooley parade today.  I told some corny jokes then introduced units as they came down the street.
     Well, some of them.  I wasn't sure about a couple of the units because they were not in the right order or even on the sheet....but I think it went well.
     Also, got my brisket sandwiches from the barbecue truck.  They are really yummy!  Usually I get there too late for the sandwiches, but I was there early and they ran out shortly after I got mine.  Good timing.
     And we played cards tonight, which is always fun. 
     Good fun, good food, good friends, good times.
     A good day.

Friday, March 9, 2018

uh oh.......

I tend to procrastinate, a lot

     That's why this week I have started putting together a vacation photo book.
     Of Cuba.
     I went in 2016.
     Actually, my two year anniversary is coming up shortly.  My friend Dan and I went on a Roads Scholar tour and it was awesome!
     Anyway, I have an Apple computer.  So I started playing with the pictures.
     First, I picked out the ones I really liked and thought would go good in a book.
     Next I tried to figure out how to make the book.  I stayed with it and finally figured it out.
     Then I started ordering and placing pictures, so that like things went together.  So all the Hemingway home pictures are in one spot, cars in get the idea.
      I had to add some pages to get the cars in.
     And some more for the farms we visited.
     And some more for the people we visited.
     I got tired and stopped.
     I think I have 44 pages... most with three or more photos.  They charge by the page.
     I am up to $92 and still have some pictures I really, really, really want to use.
     I am on the Horns of a Dilemma, as they say.
     First off, I am cheap.  But I figure the book will be a memory jogger for when I sit on the rocker at the old folks home, drooling my pudding down my chin.  I can look at the book and ask people, "Who's the idiot who spent $92 on this?"
     So in that sense, it will be priceless.
     I think it is pretty neat.
     I will have three more 2016 books............I might need a second job.  Or at least a first one!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

feeling fine, feet

I got a pedicure today

     And my feet feel great!
     Actually, Jackie and I both got them.  Jackie's was a Christmas gift from one of the girls....and mine was just an outing.
     No, I did not get them painted or polished....just a trim.
     As you get older, it becomes harder to trim toenails.
     I remember my father used to wear a size nine shoe.  But as he got older and it became harder to trim his toes, he would buy bigger shoes, eventually wearing a 19 and 1/2.  He had industrial strength needed a chainsaw to trim them.
     I can't seem to reach my toes as easily as I once could.  (No Beth, it is not my stomach getting in the way.  It is the lack of flexibility in my body.  I no longer can do the splits or leg lifts like I once could. OK, it is my stomach.)
     And there is no way Jackie can do hers.  And I won't.
     So we go to the spa and I get pampered for a few minutes...relaxing foot soak, trimming, filing, sanding, massage.........
     And it's a lot cheaper than buying new shoes.
     Peace out, everyone.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

holy crap

I do save too much

    I was downstairs going through some boxes the other day when I found a blue binder, about 4 inches thick.
    In it were stories and pictures from my early days as a reporter.  Jackie cut them out, dated them and glued them to  paper.
     Girls...don't worry, I am getting rid of it.  Along with some other things I have found in the basement.
     But two pictures were in the pile.....and I won't get rid of those.
     One of them won a photo of the year  award from the Illinois Press Association.  The second one should have, but didn't.
     I have the plaque, now I have re-found the picture.
     The stories and pictures brought back a lot of memories....but sometimes you just have to let stuff go............right?
     Now I am going to let go of wakefulness.
     Peace and Love to all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

please hold....

I bought airplane tickets today

     I am going away later this year and booked my flight today.
     I won't go into details..... yet.  But it should be a fun time.
     I use a credit card that gives me miles as a reward, and my points balance should cover most of the ticket.
     I also have reward miles and figured it would be a good time to upgrade from economy to business.
     So I logged into my account.  Invalid user name. 
     I asked for a confirmation and entered my now corrected user name.
     Invalid account number.
     Fine, I have two numbers, so I will try the next one.
     Invalid account number.
     Thinking I may have mistyped something, I started the whole process over and got the same message.
     So I called customer service.
     A really nice, patient, helpful lady walked me through the steps to reestablish my account.  It took about 15 minutes of wait time and 10 minutes of her help.
    When I said I wanted to use miles to upgrade, she had to transfer me to another person.
     I spent the next 20 minutes playing spider solitaire while on hold.  Now I have not played anymore than one game every other day for the past week.  I was getting bored.
     So I hung up.
     Bright and early this morning I called again.  After a 15 minute wait, I realized I had to use the bathroom.
     Funny thing about being on hold.  They always come on when you are eating, drinking, or in busy in some other way.  Sure enough.  Right at the end of a healthy urination, a woman started talking to me.
     I won't go into detail.  But, I found out I could upgrade to business for 20,000 miles plus $500.  All the options were explained to me......there currently were no business seats available but I would be put on a wait list.  If I was not given a seat the miles and money would be refunded.
     I hemmed and hawed and thought.....geez, $500 is a lot of coffee and wine.
     So I said no, hung up, and immediately regretted it.
     I called the number back, got put on hold for 20 minutes.  I talked to another representative who said I will be put on a waiting list because there were no seats available for upgrades at this time. 
     I figure that means if they can't sell the business seat, they will upgrade me and resell my seat to someone who can't afford business.  I can't afford business, but the upgrade makes it in my income bracket.
     After spending at least an hour on the phone over the two days, I may have an upgrade to business, or I may not
     If I do, great!  I can recline the seat almost all the way and sleep, making my first day in a foreign land more manageable.
     And if I can't.....well, I'll have an extra $500 for coffee and wine.

Monday, March 5, 2018

the only thing we have to fear

I was once a fairly balanced person

     I was never brave in the true sense of the word.  I hate violence.  I don't watch hockey because of the fights.  I can't stand boxing and ultimate fighting competitions.  We have a fight or flight mentality and I always preferred the flight.
     Now I am even beginning to be mentally not brave.
     Buy the tickets, or not?
     Get the test, or not?
     Have some wine, or not?
     Walk on the ice, or not?
     Every little decision seems to be killing me slowly lately.  I can't make up my mind about anything trivial or semi important.  Tea or coffee?  Well, I had coffee yesterday and maybe I shouldn't have it two days in a row.  But the tea?  Well it gets awfully strong the more it steeps and sometimes I forget to take the tea out so maybe the coffee is better.
     So I end up having neither.
     It took me five minutes to decide on what flavor of yogurt I wanted. 
     I have not shined my shoes for months because I am afraid of making a mess somewhere.
     Every decision is becoming an exercise in illogical thinking. 
     Is my throat sore because I am getting the flu and will die?  Or am I just getting a cold.  Do I go to the doctor and have it checked out or wait?
     I hope it is just a phase and it passes soon.  But what if it isn't, and doesn't????
     Great.  Another thing to worry about.
     I think I need spring to come real soon.
     But what if it doesn't????  Here I go again.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

magincal mystery but no tour

Some things just can't be explained

     I have a snowblower.  The snowblower has a red "key" that has to be in the slot to run.  Pull the key out, the snowblower stops.
     Today I put on my heavy gray sweatshirt to go get the Trib for my relaxing Sunday morning reading..........more on that later.
     As I walked outside I put my hand in my sweatshirt pocket and there is the snowblower key.  No problem, I must have put it in my pocket.  I walk over to the snowblower....and there is a red key in it already.
     My mower does not have that key.  Nothing else I have has that key.  I only wear the sweatshirt around the house and it has been washed within the last three weeks.
     The magical mystery....where did I get that key?
     And the Tribune?  It's a now show.  Again.
     We had a carrier who brought us the Tribune for I don't know how long, but when we lived on Skare Court she was bringing it.
     About six weeks ago we got a notice that after 15 years of doing this, it just became too much.  Her gas costs have risen, her pay for delivering has dropped and she has had enough.
     For four Sunday mornings I have searched fruitlessly for the Trib.
     For four Sunday mornings I have e-mailed customer services and reported a missing paper.
     For four Sundays I have received an apology and a credit.
     I even got a phone call this morning from someone with the paper.  Not recognizing the number, I answered and hung up.  They called back and I took the time to listen, and I am glad I did .  She said she would make sure the distributor got us a paper today.  It never showed.  I e-mailed again.
     Yes, I can read it on line....but the crossword puzzles are hard to do.   When I print them the squares are too small for this old guy to write answers.  And Jackie and I can't read at the same time on the desktop.  Reading it on the IPad is an impossibility.
     Tonight I went downstairs to watch a movie using my new sound bar and ..... no sound.  None.  I hit buttons, checked wires and connections...nada.
     We called Jackie's brother in California using Facetime on her IPad.  Bob and Anita were upside down.  When she turned the screen, they still went upside down!  At one point she turned it slowly and they were fine, but we were upside down on their end!  We had a nice conversation talking to people who were standing on their heads.
     Now there are four mysteries.....will I find the correct place for the key,
will the Tribune ever show up,  will I ever be able to watch TV in the basement, and will  the world once again be rightside up on Facetime.
     Time will tell.

Saturday, March 3, 2018


If you remember TV from the 60s.....

     That was the week that was.
     Black Panther on Tuesday, Cabaret on Wednesday, Avenue Q tonight.....and a minor miracle in the self accomplishment area:

     Yes, I finished my puzzle.  You were right, there were no missing pieces.  You were right, keeping at it takes time but I can do it.  Plus, I already glued I just need a frame.
     Seriously if you live in the Rochelle area and are up for a funny, irreverent play, see Avenue Q.
     But if swearing bothers you, don't go.  On the other hand, if you wonder what it's like when two puppets have sex, maybe you should go.
     Now, it's time to say good night.  Good night, sleep tight. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

cornfused, as usual

Sometimes I mess myself up

     Like now.
     I exercise at the hospital three days a week.  I take my Kindle  and read a book.  I can make the print large so when I am walking or biking I can actually see  the words.
     The book, Beneath a Scarlet Sky, is based on a true story about a boy in Italy during WW II.  It is centered in Milan, a city I have had the privilege of visiting.  I saw some of the places mentioned in the book, walked the streets near the giant cathedral, rode the trolley ......  all good memories.
     I mentioned I was reading the novel and said it was about Naples, where we had visited several years ago.
     Naples?? Naples?? We've never been to Naples, I was told correctly.  I knew it was Milan, but said Naples.  Huh.
     I am also reading The Hiding Place, a WW II story that takes place in Haarlem in the Netherlands.
     When I pick up one book, I expect the characters from the other book to jump out at me and I am momentarily confused about why these Italians are in Holland and why the Dutch are hiking in the Alps.
     The one constant is Nazis, they are in both books because it is about WW II.
     Strangely, I did not plan this.  I picked up The Hiding Place because the house that is featured in the story is now a museum in Haarlem and I always thought it would be an interesting place to visit.  Someday, I may do that.
     But now I just have to concentrate on which character is where and what page am I on.
     Those are not always each accomplishments for me.
     Happy reading to all of you, along with peace and love.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

so much for that

I missed Thursday

     I don't know how it happened, but it just went past.
     Felt a little funky today, figured I was just tired.  So I took about a 2 hour nap, which strangely may not have helped.  I tend to get snotty when I am "off" and I was off today.
    Three things I wanted to do today did not get done, but the beauty of retirement is you have no schedule to keep or meet.  That is also the bad thing about retirement.
     Now my head is pounding and I am not tired.  Go figure.
     Time to pop a couple of pills and see if that helps.