Thursday, August 31, 2017

living on the edge

I have been leading a reckless life lately

     I drank milk that was two days out of date.
     Realize, we buy a half gallon of milk and usually do not finish it.  Can I put that on the plants?  Would it make them stronger?  That way I won't feel like it was wasted.
     We had BLTs with fresh tomatoes from the garden.  I thought they were very good.  Jackie had Miracle Whip, I opted for Mayo.  After I spread the mayo, I noticed the best if used by date was April 9......2015!  It was either toss the bread or risk I risked it and lived.
     But I did toss the mayo.
     We have other hidden dangers in the fridge.  Caramel for apples, which we bought last apple season.  I don't think caramel goes bad, does it?
     I have a suet cake we moved from the old house.  That would be...quick math..almost 5 years ago.  Can I still hang it outside or will it kill the birds and Corki, who will gobble up any fallen suet.
     Emily found frozen dog treats that were here after the storm.  That was two years ago.  I had no idea what they were, that's why I never tossed them.
     And cheese.  I have a couple of blocks of cheese.  Frozen.  Will it still be good?
     I have a tendency to freeze stuff we don't eat...then forgetting it.
     But this winter is the start of the big clean up.  Tossing, recycling, selling, getting rid of things.....that is my project.
     So, does anyone want to try some frozen cheese?
     Once thawed, it might be good.  I plan to find out, I'll keep you posted. Hopefully.

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