Wednesday, August 23, 2017


I had a terrible night Tuesday

     I had a couple of cups of coffee at lunch, and maybe the caffeine was still in my body.  But should I still have that effect 10 hours after having coffee?
     Anyway, I let Corki out and I always go out with her at me the coyote defender.
     Then before I went to bed, I went outside again just to listen to the night.  I can hear owls, dogs, cars, coyotes, and it is a nice change of pace.  I also like to look at the stars and wonder.
     I went to bed and had one of those strange sensations when it feels like your skin is crawling.  First my back, then my side.  I kept shifting and readjusting myself.
     After about 10 minutes of this, I felt that tingling again, only on my arm.
     I went into the bathroom and turned on the light and the biggest beetle I have ever seen inside my shirt came crawling out!  It was at least half an inch long!
     I squashed it and rinsed it down the sink.
     Then I went back to bed and used my flashlight to look over all the sheets, the pillows, the wall, the floor, the covers, everywhere I could imagine more of these suckers would be hiding.
     My guess is when I went out it landed on me and I carried it into bed.
     But combined with the caffeine, the challenge of how to spend the $700 million I was winning in the lottery, and the excitement of the beetle, sleep was fitful.
     When I go out tonight, I will double check my body to be sure no critters are hitching a ride inside.
     By the way, Jackie managed to sleep through the entire episode.   The yelp, flashlight, running water, and constant scurrying did not impact her 40 winks at all.
     And it turns out, tonight I don't have to worry about how to spend all that money.
     Go figure.

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