Friday, September 1, 2017

who is who

I can't tell people apart

     I know, not this drivel again.
     But it drives me nuts.
     I was watching Hard Days Night and I could not tell who was Paul and who was John.
     Granted, the movie is 40 plus years old, and people do change.   But I could not tell them apart then, let alone 40 years later.
     I think I knew them by the end of the movie, but I am not positive.
     Watching it was a great experience!  It brought me back to the 1960s, the good part with the British Invasion and all the great music it brought to the colonies.
     And the boys looked like they were having so much fun making the movie... brings pains to my heart that they broke up, and John and George are dead.  Paul is in his 70s, and now I wish I had seen him when he was here a month ago.
     During those crazy 60s, two groups dominated the music scene:  The Beatles and the Stones.
     Who would have thought back then that the Stones would still be rolling along, although they too have been hit by death.  Didn't Mick die years ago, or does he just look dead?  At least he is thin.  Still.
     When  I have time I want to watch  Help and the Ron Howard film on the Beatles, which was in theaters last year.
     Maybe it's because the older I get the more clingy I get to things in my youth that pleased me, but whenever the Beatles or the Stones come on the radio, I have to crank it up....and sing along.  Even if I don't remember all the words.

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