Monday, August 28, 2017

found and lost

What a weird day this was

     I found my new vehicle sticker.  I even put it on the car.  It was where I put it but did not see.
     That seems to be a recurrent theme in my life.
     I also found the huge container of mustard seed I could not find yesterday.  It was in the place where I thought I put it, but I did not see it.  It had gotten moved behind a can of cocoa powder and I guess I did not move the powder.  Anyone need mustard seed?
     But last night was the worst.  I did not go to bed until a little after midnight. I did not fall asleep.  I was awake until after the cuckoo hit three......then I drifted off.
     Today, during our refrigerator pickle packing phase, I got really tired and had to rest for a while.
     I am sleepy I will head to bed earlier than normal.  At least, normal for me.
     Hopefully the Cubs win will create happy dreams.
     I can't get this sleep thing figured out.  Some nights I hit the pillow and go right to sleep, other nights I can't.  There is no, decaf tea, no wine, no tea, it all seems to not be a factor.
     Maybe tonight will be different.
     Remember....recommendations for comedies to lighten my mood would be appreciated!  And mayber help me sleep.

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