Thursday, August 10, 2017

memories and old friends

We had some special people over today

     Once upon a time, Jackie and I were young. We met at NIU.  Those are facts.
     Now, tne story gets confused.
     I maintain we were set up as a blind date.  A girl on Jackie's dorm floor was dating a guy, David,  who lived with a geeky kind of guy in an off campus house.  The girl thought Jackie and the geeky guy were a good match, so they set them up on a blind date.  I was the geeky guy.
      I remember we went to see  'Goodbye Columbus' and it was sometime in October.
     David remembers it a little differently.  He said the two of us went to a party and met the two of them and we all hit it off.
     We ended up going to homecoming together, all four of us.  I still have a picture of the girls someplace.....beehive hairdos!  Wild.
     Whatever, after NIU we all went our separate ways....they to Maryland and us to Rochelle.  We visited them once a long time ago, but aside from Christmas cards, were not really in contact.
     Until Facebook.
     Now we communicate regularly.  When they decided to come back to Illinois for a visit, we made arrangements to meet and have dinner.
     My stent work made that a little tough because I can't load the wheelchair into the car yet, so they came to our house.
    We laughed, ate pizza, drank some wine, introduced them to Emily and John, had dessert, and in general had a great time.
    To be honest, there have been days I have cursed them for introducing us, but deep down in my heart I am glad they did.
     Safe jouneys, David and Pam.
    And thanks for bringing us together.

We look the same as we did in college!  Seriously!!

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