Thursday, August 17, 2017

good, the bad, the ugly

I don't know where or how to start

     Life with MS is a broken record.  The same situations happen time and again.  Can't get out of a chair.  Can't walk. Can't stop the bleeding.
     She does not know how she did it, but Jackie fell again tonight, hitting her head on the nightstand, I think.
     There was a lot of blood....and you know how great I am with that.
     I went to get a wash cloth to stop the bleeding and she was yelling, "Call Emily."
     I said I needed to get some ice on her head.  She said, "Call Emily."
     Corki started barking to go out, I dropped some ice, I could not move fast enough and she said again, "Call Emily."
     I yelled back to her, "I am doing the best I can.  I am getting more ice, another rag, paper towels, letting he dog out....I am doing the best I can.  I'll call Emily in a second."
     The she said the magic word:  Siri, as in "Siri, call Emily."
     Turns out she was talking to the phone all the time, not me.
     Meanwhile I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, grabbing paper towels, face clothes, ice, the dog......
     Emily and John came over and we took Jackie to ER at about 11:30.  Four staples in the back of her head....if this happens again they will just put in a zipper.
     She is resting concussion, just blood.
     A home health care worker was mentioned, but honestly, that would not have mattered.  Jackie was sitting on the side of the bed and her leg just gave out, sending her down into the nightstand.  But it just increases the realization that we need someone here when I am not.
     I know Emily texted Julia..but it's early in Switzerland.  So Julia, if you are reading this, she is fine.
     And folks, I don't often ask this....but please offer a little prayer for her.  And the rest of us.
     This journey is not one we are enjoying.  At all.
     I know have to put on my big boy pants, but damn, it is hard to do tonight.

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