Wednesday, August 2, 2017

an early thought

I am doing my thing early today

     Baseball is the season, Cub game is the reason.
     I am hoping the rain holds off.....and off and off.  After last night's huge offensive explosion, I am hoping they don't forget their bats tonight.
     At least I know I am ok with insurance for next week...that is a relief!
     Most of you know I am a little on the cheap side.   I love a bargain.  I love saving a couple of bucks.
     So I was a bit stunned when I made a huge mistake today.
     We have a rug in front of the couch.  It's an area rug, 8 x 10, and we paid several hundred bucks for it, although neither one of us remembers how much.
     But it has been down for four years and has some dirt, especially near the couch, were we sit and eat and spill.
     So I called a company and asked if they clean area rugs.  They do.  Will they pick up my rug and clean it?  They will.
     Now, this place will clean several rooms for a relatively low price, so I figured an area rug would not be expensive.
     That's why I did not ask how much.
     The guys showed up this morning.  They take the rug, clean it, dry it, fluff it, and return it.
     Great I said.
     After they loaded it on the truck they asked if I was paying by check or card, I said card, and he said, "$302."  I asked him to repeat it.  "$302."
     So, that is how our rug is getting  cleaned for $302.  I just wonder if we were cleaned too.
     Next time I will ask.  It might be cheaper to buy a new rug.
     Go Cubs!!

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