Wednesday, August 9, 2017

still here

Day 2 has passed, and I have not

     I have this nightmare.  Actually, it is a daymare too.  I do something stupid and blow out the plug in my wrist.
     Then I fly around the room backward, like a balloon when you let go of the opening.
     So  I am being very careful.
     My mind is not as fuzzy as yesterday, although I did have to ask what day it was a couple of times today.  Doesn't help when Jackie does not know either.
     I have been hot and cold all day.  I sit on the patio in the sun wearing a sweatshirt.  Then I sit in the shade and take it off.
    And I give thanks.
    Thanks for good doctors and nurses, thanks to God for my health.  (Although the thanks to Him is balanced by my cursing whenever I watch Jackie struggle to get up or move. )
     Thanks to my family for being there.  And thanks to all the people who have sent their wishes along.  They mean an awful lot to me, despite me not acknowledging them.  Hitting the like button does not seem to say enough.
      I think back to my favorite Christmas movie, when I always tear up at the ending.
     No man  is a failure who has friends.
     Thanks Clarence, and all you other angels out there, with or without wings.

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