Saturday, August 19, 2017

what a nice day

Today was a pretty good day

     I got to spend time with my old friend Frank and his wife Barb.
     We went to grade school and high school together in Chicago.  He is John's older brother, and the three of us did a lot of hanging out together in the old days.
     Frank brought their 65 Impala convert to the car show.  It's a beauty!  It also happens to be the car he was driving when they were dating.
     We had a great time talking about growing up in the city:  Sitting on my parents' porch talking on a warm summer night, hanging out in The Shed in their basement, being carefree kids in the big city.
     I don't remember anyone's parents keeping an out for us.  But we knew someone was watching!  We were like teens everywhere, pushing the boundaries, challenging the rules, looking for adventure.  But we were not idiots.  We never stole anything, or vandalized, or fought, or did all the other "bad kid" type of stuff parents worried about.
     I think being a teen was a lot easier back then.
     It is always great to go back to that time, even if for just a few hours.  After the car show they came to our house and we had burgers and brats and a  few more laughs.
     Here are my favorite sights from today

LV is Lake View, where we all went 
hard top convertible

A Studebaker

Had never seen a Henry auto until today

Classy store, classy car

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