Friday, August 4, 2017

Emily, don't read this

I sometimes lose track of things

     My car keys.  Cell phone.  Shoes.  Checkbooks, which sometimes end up in a shoe for some reason.
     I put things down and get distracted.
     Which explains why Cooper was outside for ........ over an hour last night.
     I am dog sitting and let the dogs out while I refilled water bowls and stuff.
     I let them all in except Cooper, who was out in the big yard by himself.
     I sat down to watch The Virginian on tv and an hour later I heard this barking.      All the other dogs got really goofy, but I noticed Cooper was not there.  The poor guy was standing outside by the door.
     As I let Cooper out,  Anari, or Amelia, I can't remember,  dashed out.  I figured in a few minutes she would be ready to come in.
     But damn, The Virginian was pretty interesting with Jack Elam as a guest star and, wouldn't you know it.  I got distracted.  Show ends, another begins and I notice Cooper is by the back door.  I get up and realize Anari/Amelia is still out there!
     So now I count after every potty break and  before  bed and after  bed and before I leave.
     I have also forgotten Corki outside a couple of times.  She sat out there way past dark one night when we heard her barking and I wondered where she was!
     I guess my mind gets easily off track.
    At least I didn't lose any dogs.  Unlike my car keys.

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