Sunday, August 27, 2017


I think I need some laughs

     First thing I did today...break a wine glass.
     No, I was not drinking at 9 a.m.  But I was guilty of not putting the wine glass away from the edge of the counter Saturday night. And I was guilty of putting the dog food container right behind the wine glass.  And yes, I was careless, but my baby was hungry!  And girls, it was one of my white wine cheapies....don't worry.
     After I got that cleaned up, I started looking for the mustard seed.  Last year we made refrigerator pickles, and I wanted to do the same with the four cucumbers we got from the garden.
     Yes, 4.  I have not gone out there for a week or maybe two, and when I did yesterday I found 25 large, yellow, mushy cucumbers and three solid, green ones.      I went out today and pulled out the remaining green ones for pickles.
     But I could not find the mustard seed, a vital ingredient in the recipe.
     I had drugs to pick up at Wallyworld, so I looked there for mustard seed....shelf was empty.
     That's when I realized I did this last year.  Needed mustard seed, none there, went to Sully's, found it in a big container.  So I went to Sully's, found a big container, and bought it.
     Deja vu.
     I wish I knew where the mustard seed went.  And all the jars for the pickles.
     At lunch I dropped a container of hummus, upside down.  On the floor.  Lid came off.
     So for the second time today I was on my hands and knees, wiping up the floor.
     And then I watched the Cubs.
     That's why I need a good laugh.
     Help me out:  Recommend a tv show you think I should watch because it is funny.  I don't have HBO or Netflix at this time, so it has to be easily found on the 899 channels I do get.
     Maybe tomorrow I will check out your recommendations and laugh myself into a stupor.  Or possibly drink myself into one, at this point either way is fine with me.
     I may need the laughs, especially if I can't find the vehicle sticker for my car that Em picked up a few days ago.  Probably with the mustard seed.

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