Sunday, August 13, 2017

food day....part 2

Pardon my typing

     We had a different food day today.
     First off, at church we had a parish meeting catered by our Islamic friends down the road in DeKalb.
    A chicken and rice dish, salad, dessert, all prepared in a very traditional, old world manner.  It was very good.
     I did get confused.  Jackie does not like spicy, so I got her the spicy chicken.  I don't mind spicy, so I got the mild chicken.  She did not enjoy much of hers.  When I tried hers, I was surprised how spicy it was compared to mine!  I ate hers too.  Plus I brought some home for supper tomorrow.
     Of course, we drove past Ollie's and had to stop.
     But supper was the coup de lack of grace.
     I cut up a sweet potato, butternut squash, baking potato, onion, green pepper and bathed it in olive oil.  Then I put it in a basket, added some oregano and rosemary from our little herb garden, and set it on the grill.
     It had been on the grill for about 15 minutes when I figured it was time to shake up the basket to make sure the bottom and top cooked fairly evenly.
     Put on an oven mitt on my left hand and proceeded to grab the handle with my right hand.
     The pain was intense.  I said some words I probably should not have said, and spent the next 15 minutes running cold water over my hand.  I put a burn salve on it, which really stung.
     At this point Emily and John arrived and I turned the cooking duties over to him.  We discussed whether ER was needed, but I have no blistering or swelling.
     Typing is not easy.  Cutting my meat was a challenge.  The damn basket of taters and squash were a little undercooked, even though my hand isn't.
     The chocolate cake from Portillo's helped sooth my hand though.
     So to celebrate John's birthday, he came, he cooked, he worked.
     I will load some ointment on it tonight and put a sock over my hand.  Hopefully I will be better tomorrow.
     It was a stupid thing to do....I honestly can not explain it.
     I guess that is why there is a category called accident.
    And here's an after thought.  I am very distressed, upset, angered, sickened by what happened this weekend.  White supremacists?  Nazis?  And a president who does not strongly condemn this type of hatred?
It's a sad day for the United States, my friends.  A sad day.

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