Sunday, August 20, 2017

these boots aren't made for walking....

I was not in the parade today

     The Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival is a big event in town.  There is a carnival, car show, craft tent, beer garden.  And the parade.
     I have been in the parade almost every year we have been here in August.
     I have walked with Rotary, the park district, the museum, VCCT, Ogle County Democrats, I think the teachers once or twice.
     But this year I watched.
     This year the plan was to take Jackie to a friend's house, camp on their lawn, and watch Rochelle pass.
     But Jackie had a hard time getting going today, so I went by myself.  I met Emily, John and Camryn there and we watched the parade.
     I always think I should be a Shriner so I could drive some of those little planes or cars....that would be neat.
     I thought the museum and library floats were pretty creative.  The theme was 20 years ago, so the museum recreated the filming of A Thousand Acres and the library had twin Elvises gyrating while Jail House Rock blared.    And the festival committee float was pretty darn neat.
     There was a bunch of candy.  I notice after a while, kids don't even pick it up, unless it is something they really like.
     One year, when it was 110 outside, people tossed little chocolate bars that melted upon contact with the pavement. When you stepped on them they looked like neatly packed pockets of pooch pooh.
     Anyway, enough of my musings.
     Here's a look at some of the parade.

juggling on a hover board can't be easy

Filming A Thousand Acres

Lizzy Neal band was there

The library was rocking with twin Elvises

strange machine

He was trying to keep up with the big guys

A lot of candy!  Plus a flag!!

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