Tuesday, August 22, 2017

still waiting

I visited the doctor today

     This was the cardio man who did my stents.  He said I needed to wait a couple more weeks before lifting anything heavy with my right arm.
     Then the devastating news:  Don' t ride the bike for a couple more weeks.
     I seem to have developed some tissue that needs to disappear before I do strenuous stuff with my right hand.
     I don't know about typing....that can be a pain too.  I am careful.  It's the twisting motion in my wrist that seems to be affected.
     Everything else seems to be good.
     I have a script for cardio rehab ... so I will be heading over to RCH to set that up.
     Other than that, life is going ok.
     Now to figure out how to eat so I can lose weight.
     That will be a challenge.

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