Friday, August 18, 2017

I am humbled

Thank you all very much

     Seriously, you all brought me out of a funk with your kind words and thoughts, both on Facebook and in person or through texts.
     It's easy to get down when you watch someone struggle with MS, or any other disease.  You want to help them so much, but you know the help they need is beyond your reach.
     I know a lot of you are facing your own battles and struggles and rest assured our thoughts and prayers are with you also.
     Jackie is fine today, but we have to figure out a way to cope with all of this.  I admit I do not always do a great job of that.
     And to a couple of you.....I am not a saint.  I am not the fantastic guy with it all under control that some of you may think I am.  (Ok, fantastic is a pretty big stretch.)
     All I do is  try.  I don't always do it right, but I am trying.
     In a lighter mood, some pictures I have from this week that are not about statues, the alt right, the president, hate, violence, shootings, robberies, sickness, poverty or humans abusing each other in any way.
     Just some pictures from the ballgame on Wednesday, which seems so long ago.

Which one?  Hmmm

Why doesn't Clark wear pants??

Rain drove people under the umbrella

They just dropped in

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