Saturday, August 26, 2017

that was fun

I needed a day like this

     Changed the bed, got the laundry done, did lunch dishes and then mowed and trimmed.  I even worked in the garden for a while, pulling out the beans.
     Then I watched my friend Carrie install our new window blinds.  These are the between the glass ones.  Now our bedroom matches the rest of the house.
     Anyone who needs some blinds, I have several sets.... wide and wider.  The price is ...... free.  Need them to disappear.  If you are interested, message me and I will give you the sizes.
     I got it all done by 5:30, had to.  We met MK and S for supper at a place Jackie and I had never been before.  Probably won't go back, not real hospitable for wheel chairs or for people with walking issues.  I liked the food, and it seemed clean and  nice.
     Then we burned a pile of yard stuff and logs I had.  That was fun.  I love watching the flames curl and rise into the sky.  I think I am a secret pyro.  Of course, we had s'mores, which were incredibly good on a cool  night.
     A busy day, yes.  But a very relaxing day.
     I still can't make it to be by is now 11:30.... which makes it hard to get up and going in the morning.
     But I am working on that.  Maybe tomorrow.  Or later today, depending on what I do next.

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