Thursday, August 3, 2017

rain, rain, don't go away

I went to two Cubs games this week

     Last year we were 6-0, which was great!
     This year we are 1-6, which is not so great.  I have even stopped bringing my W flag.
     Last night was a 3-0 loss, while today was a rain delayed 10-8 loss.
     I left at 5, with the Cubs down 6-1.  They eventually came back to take the lead at 8-7, but then lost it.
     The 1:20 game started about an hour and a half late.  Then a second delay.  Then a third.  I had to get back home, so I left the game.
     It's always fun at the park, but it is a lot less fun when they lose.
     Anyway...some pictures.

The hat was the give away Wednesday night

There are buildings in the distance

There was lightning!

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