Wednesday, August 30, 2017


I went to the movies today

     That is a pretty big event in my life.  I don't get out much.
     I have not seen a movie in a theater in over a year.
     I went to see Dunkirk today.
     I am a WW II buff.  I enjoy movies about the time when the Nazis were really bad guys and people did not like them.
     Anyway, if you don't know the story, here it is in a nutshell.  British and French armies were trapped on the beaches in Dunkirk in WW II.  They were surrounded by the Nazis and the ocean.  The British Air Force was weak, the navy bombarded by U boats and German aircraft.  The thousands of men trapped on the beach faced certain death or capture.
     But the Brits, in a move that can only be described as crazy, sailed across the channel in anything that would float and evacuated the 340,000 troops over an 11 day period.  An amazing feat.
     Dunkirk has been getting good reviews, with the advice of seeing it on the big screen.  So I did.
     Maybe seeing a British movie when you are  hard of hearing is not a good idea.  I missed some of the dialogue despite the volume being loud enough to wake the dead.
     I went to the 4:20 show in DeKalb.  When I bought my ticket, the nice young man behind the counter swiveled the computer around and invited me to pick my seat.  "The available ones are green," he said.
     All but two of the seats were green.
    Now, given that I had an ENTIRE THEATER to pick a seat, I opted for one in the middle toward the front.  Then I changed my mind and moved back.  Then I realized it did not matter, there were only 3 of us in the theater and I could damn well sit were I wanted.  So I did.
     I thought about buying a popcorn, but the smalls were $8.50 and heavens knows how much a drink would cost.
     The worst part?  Not the 20 minutes of commercials.  Not the 10 minutes of previews.
     The worst part? At the one hour 30 minute mark of the movie, I had to pee.  Badly.  And there is no pause button in a theater.
     When I left my seat the people were on a boat.  When I got back they were on a train.  How the hell that happened, I have no idea.
     Then it ended.
      I liked the movie, mostly.  But parts seemed a little disjointed, maybe  because I missed some dialogue....but I don't think so.
     I think I need to watch it again, probably on DVD with subtitles.
     And have popcorn, with butter, that doesn't cost $8.50.  I'll even get to pick my own seat again.
     Churchill comes out in a few months.....I think I'll go see that too.

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