Thursday, August 24, 2017

just 26 more

I think I am getting dizzy

     No, it's not a medical issue.  It's an ego thing.
     This little bit about nothing now has 88,974 views!  That means if you are reading this, you could be the 89,000 th reader!  I should have a prize for that, but I don't.
     I think Julia has stopped reading because Switzerland is way down on the country list.  For the last week, readers have been from the U.S., then France, Poland, Australia, China and down toward the bottom, Switzerland.
     I think I better go over there and try to see what is wrong!
     I do appreciate your kind words, especially when my mood is a little on the dark side and full of problems.  I truly do thank you for all your kind words.
     On the downside, I did not win the lottery.
     Can you imagine the things the winner can do?
     I know I had my plans, and none of them involved anything majorly illegal.
     I have to plan my celebration for when I hit 100,000.
     That should be right about the time the Cubs win WS number 2!!
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes!

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