Wednesday, August 31, 2016

that was sudden

I said something today I have not said in months

     I am not ashamed of what I said.  I meant it.
    Yet, I am not proud of it either.  I could have chosen a different word, a different action perhaps.
     But I did not.
     I said chilly.
    As in, "I'm chilly."
    I was sitting out on the porch, in the shade, having a coffee, when I said it.
    I said it again when I finished mowing.
    I said it a third time when I was picking tomatoes.  (By the way......we might have a couple of fresh ones, if you are interested.)
     I noticed it was fairly dark at 8.  No more late walks, or bike rides.
    Summer officially started June 21 and officially ends September 22.  Don't complain to me, I did not set those rules.
     But with a chill in the air, and Labor Day approaching, I think it is safe to say, summer is nearly over.
     But I am not ready to go from chilly to freezing.  That is too much of a stretch for me.
     Tonight I sleep in the back bedroom, windows open, enjoying the night air and sounds.
     I haven't said that for a long time either.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

when will I learn

I can't just clean up something

     It's not in my DNA.
     I can't focus.  I can't finish a task.  I can't stick to it.
     When I attacked the pile of stuff on the floor in our computer room, I fully intended to take care of it.
     But I got distracted.
     First by coffee.  Then supper.   Then dishes.  Then the Cubs.
     And the drawers.
     Yes, the drawers, as in desk drawers.
     I opened one, thought it looked pretty full of stuff and empited it.
     I did that to four drawers.
     And I stacked stuff.  In piles.  On the floor.
     I may have a bigger mess than what I started with.
     But I have thrown away a lot of paper.  Problem is, I can't find the paper I was looking for in the first place.  It has to be here somewhere.
     I have fears I put it in a file folder....and yes, I did go through 20 file folders.  Found some old pictures from school, ideas for stories I am going to write someday, notes on my missing and presumably destroyed dark comedy....  but not the paper I want.
     I have one more drawer to go through, but not tonight.
     I need to clean up this mess before I create another.

Monday, August 29, 2016


I didn't get anything done Monday

     Strike that.  I mowed.  Sort of.
     I went out at 9 and started mowing.  This was the first chore on my list:  mow, trim, pile in den, call Madigan's office and tell him he's a dictator, but without the tator.
     My grass was long.  I had to raise the mower up higher, but no problem.  With nothing on my schedule I could mow twice!
     At 11 I noticed Jackie standing in the driveway.
     I went up and said, "What's up, buttercup?"  (Not really.  Call this creative license.)
     "Hauser Ross just called.  You missed your 10:30 appointment."
     I had an appointment for Sept 9 but they called and asked if I wanted to reschedule early.  I said yes.
     I wrote in on my calendar and and othe big calendar.  How did I miss this?
     So, I ended up showering and going to DeKalb for a 1:15 eye appointment.  Jackie has to go with, because they dilate my eyes to check the state of my retina.
     By 2 we were at Ollie's.  (Side note:  They are closing Nov. 6.)
     But when we got home, my eyes were still dilated and I had a massive headache.  I could not sort through the pile, though I did call Madigan's office and tell the poor lady answering the phone that even though I am a lifelong Dem, it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for another Dem for any state office, especially one named Madigan.  I also asked her to thank the speaker for blocking the democratic wishes of over 500,000 Illinois residents.  I was polite.
      I still had my headache at 7.
     My eyes are not as dilated, but light still hurts a little.
     And to top it off, the Cubs are losing.
     Oh well....tomorrow is another day.
     But I will check the calendar in the morning.  And I still have to mow.  And trim.  And go through the pile in the den.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Monday, Monday

I have a lot to do tomorrow

     And that is because I didn't do any of it yesterday or today!  Have to mow, pick tomatoes (call if you want some), clean up the pile in the den, order library books, research some trees, wash the wall outside so I can paint it, have a coffee on the porch......
     If I get two things done, I will be surprised.
     I read about the rapper who got robbed at gunpoint and went to police to report it.  They basically said pish posh.  Then he turned his phone on to record everything and they took the report.
     Years ago Jackie was pick pocketed in Chicago.  We went to the nearest police station to report the incident.
     He asked where we were from and we said Rochelle.  He had no idea where that was, so we told him.
     He chuckled and said, "In for a day in the big city, huh," like we were some rubes from Hicksville.
     So I said, "Yes. And it's true.  When you look up at those really big buildings,  golly!  They do look like they are going to fall over on you."
     Jackie did not appreciate my humor.  Not sure what the officer thought.
     I want to order a couple of books from the library, but my list is in the humongous pile on the floor.
     I asked Jackie to help me.  Maybe she can figure out a system for sorting through papers I want, or need, or just find interesting.
     Lord knows, I can't.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

well, maybe yes...but no....oh crap

I am sometimes to indecisive

     Today, for example.
     I went to check out the trees at a nursery sale.  I have a coupon, I have a need.  Since my one sugar maple died, I wanted to replace it.
     I had three trees in mind:  white oak, sweet gum, buckeye.
     The nursery had all three, but I just wasn't happy.
     I stood looking at a white oak tree for about 15 minutes.  I think some people might have thought I was tripping out on something.  I looked at it from the front, left, right, back, front right, left back....every angle.
     It was a nice tree.  But it didn't talk to me.
     It didn't say, "Take me home and I will be a great tree.  I will provide a home  for birds, shade for your house, fall colors for your eyes and leaves for your mulch."
     It stayed silent.
     So I moved on to the buckeyes.  I bought one for Emily years ago.  It was a great tree, but even great trees don't do well in a tornado.
     But they just didn't seem straight and strong.
     By then I was so depressed I just left.
     I could have spent a lot of money on one tree and not been happy.  Instead, I didn't spend any money and was not happy.
     I will be exploring other options in the next two weeks.
     Who knows, I might even begin gathering acorns and start my own oak forest from scratch.
     But I will be planting trees, because it is a good thing to do for future generations.

Friday, August 26, 2016

uh....excuse me

I had an interesting moment today

     I was standing at a urinal in a men's room, doing what men usually do while standing at the urinal.
     Suddenly, a woman's voice.
     "Aren't these lovely pictures?" she asked.    "I wonder who drew them.  Look, an elephant."
     I hoped she was not talking about me.
     I kept my eyes, and body, turmed toward the urinal, wondering if I should exchange a pleasant greeting, like:  Hello.  How are you?   Having a nice day?  What the hell are you doing in a men's room?
     But I didn't.  I just finished....well, you know what I finished.
     By the time I turned around she was gone.
     I assume she had a little boy with, which was why she was talking in such a sing song manner.  But, she could have had a little girl and gone in the wrong bathroom.
     I guess the sight of a rather older gent using a urinal might have caused a moment's hesitation, and a possible reconsideration of her ultimate destination.
     I am just glad I did not turn to greet her.
     I really don't care who I share a bathroom with, as long as I know ahead of time that that is a possibililty.  If I know, I would wear better underwear.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

plum tuckered out

I am plenty tired tonight

     I had another of those nights with weird dreams.  Jonathan of Property Brothers, or was it Drew? l don't know.  I have to ask Jackie who is which every time I watch the show.  I know one of them is the carpenter and the other the realtor, but I can't remember.
     Anyway, one of them was kicking me in the butt at about 2 a.m.  I had just drifed off to sleep when whap, whap, whap, and there was Jonathan/Drew sitting beside me in the bed.  I had to wake up.
     We have a cuckoo clock that chimes the hour and the half hour.  I know I heard three chimes.  I don't remember any others until 6.
     Now you know I don't get up early.  6 a.m. is a killer for me.  I got up, walked around the house, and went back to bed.....but I don't know if I slept or not.
     I do know I was up at 8.
     And I cleaned three bathrooms.
     And dusted.
     And watered the plants.
     And vacuumed the rugs.
     At about 3 my legs were killing me, so I rested for an hour or so, putting my legs up to give them some relief.
     Then I polished the bottom cabinets and went to the store.
     Now just to clarify things....I do that, because Jackie can't.  If she bends over to dust, we run the risk of her taking a header.  And try running a vaccuum with balance problems.  It ain't pretty.  It has become easier, and safer,  for me to just do it.  Which is why it doesn't always get done.
     Now my eyes are getting it must be bed time.
     I just hope Jonathan and Drew don't come back tonight.  Or ever.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

a full day

This was a busy day....yet kinda' nice

     Jackie had PT today in Byron.  After that, we went to a doctor's appointment for her knee.  She got a cortisone shot, which gave her almost immediate relief from the pain she has in the knee.
     I bought paint for a wall project outside, and got directions on how to prepare the surface.  Easy, schmeasy.....wash it with a garden hose, let it dry over night, slap the product on.
     That should take me a week, if not more.
     It will take me three hours to find a roller and brush.  Then another hour to find the paint, which I put somewhere when getting out of the car.  Throw in an hour to locate a paint can opener or a screwdriver and you pretty much have the day shot.
     Then it will rain, getting the wall wet and forcing me to wait a couple of days for it to dry out.  By then I will have lost the supplies and will need to spend half a day looking for them, which will inspire me to organize the garage, which will take three days and accomplish nothing.
     By October I should have the wall painted, but that is only an estimate.
     Realize I still have not put up my bike storage unit.  Or my garden tools storage racks.  But hey, that has only been almost three years.  What's the hurry?
     The best part of the day was supper.
     The kids gave us some gift cards for a schmany, fancy restaurant in DeKalb.  (Ok,  I sense a trend of rhyming real words with made up works.  Kind of hokey, schmokey, don't you agree?)
     I had the best New York strip I have had.  It was juicy, flavorful, and tender as all get out.    Seriously, it was one good steak.
     Being as I am trying to reform, I only ate half and took the rest home for tomorrow night.  I could have eaten the whole thing, believe it.  But I exercised restraint.  Meanwhile, I will dream all night about having that steak and probably eat my pillow by accident.
     I did have apple pie and ice cream when I got home though......a guy can only sacrifice so much.
     So, thank you kids for the gift certificate.  We have eaten there twice and still have a little left, plus we got a coupon for a free appetizer on our next visit.
     I already know what I am going to order......lamb chops!
     Because I have been to the mountain top and I don't think I'll ever get that view again.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

tired, but happy

I rode my bike to Rotary today
     The weather was nice, the temperature  perfect,  and I needed to take a longer ride.
     The fact that I had a chance to rest and have lunch before riding back was also a plus.
     The ride was quite uneventful.  No dogs.  No close calls with cars.  No falling off my bike in loose gravel.  No major heart attack.  Or minor one either.
     All in all, it was a good ride.
    I ride down Fowler to Center, north on center to Hemstock, then down Hemstock to Hilldrest.  I cut  through Hillcrest and pick up the bike path there.
     On the way home I went to Cypress House for a coffee.  I hadn't been there for a week or two, and wanted to check out the new look
     It is very nice.  The front blacktop has been removed and concrete installed.  The patio is level, smooth, and nice looking.  They have added some very comfortable chairs and a table, and it is a very pleasant place to relax, have a coffee, and visit with people.
     The only thing missing is a nice lake across the street.
     Kudos to Krista and Elka for the improvements.
     Stop in and get a cup of java and spend some time outside.  If you are going, give me a call, I may just join you!
     My total ride was 19.9 miles.
     I found some pictures on my phone that I had not yet downloaded to a computer.  I have now, but am still in mourning over the lost photos and best sellers.
     Anyway, here's a few I found that I liked.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Oops........I slipped

My bike riding effort is down

    I went with a friend, Todd, two weeks ago.  It was a fun time.
    But since then, I have hardly ridden.  I did a short ride through the neighborhood and today I rode the bike path in town.
    I am a picky rider.  I don't ride if it is hot, humid, windy, rainy, cold, or on days with an A in them unless I feel like it.
    So tomorrow, if the weather is nice, I plan to ride into town.  I figure maybe an hour each way....give or take a few minutes.
    It is Rotary day, so I will ride to the meeting, then ride home.  Hopefully.
    And I don't think people will notice my sweat smell.  Or my funny clothes.
    But then again, if it is too hot, or humid, or there is a threat of rain anytime in the next two days, I may just drive a car.
    Jackie and I went to breakfast with other retired teachers from our school today.  It was a nice time, visiting, catching up with families, trying to remember names.
    I swear, aging has caught up to me.  I can't remember stuff.
    Example:  When I got back to my car today to load my bike, I discovered the driver's side door was open.  Wide open.  I guess  I forgot to close it.
     I also bought stuff to put on my itchy legs.  Spent $16 on two products and they worked almost instantly!
     Since I bought them, I haven not had an itch.  Not one.  Not a hint.
    It's a miracle.
     And I haven't even opened either of them.  Still sealed.  Stopped itching.  Go figure.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

my legs!! my legs!!

I walked in the Heritage Festival parade today

     I took Jackie to a friend's house on Lincoln Highway, then walked over to the Presbyterian Church.
     I saw the Flagg Township Museum float, and it looked pretty darn nice!
     But I didn't walk with them.
     I saw the Ogle County Democrats, they had a fairly large group, considering the small number of Democrats in Ogle County.  But I didn't walk with them.
     I did walk with the Rotary Club, and was really happy to see all the Interact youngsters show up.    They are an energetic group of high school students.
     So we walked to downtown....maybe 1.5 miles or so.  (Note the decimal point.)
     But I had already walked to get there.
     And I walked back from downtown to get Jackie.
     I figured I walked the parade route twice.
     And my legs feel it.
     Also went to the bridge dedication, and opted to drive my golf cart to the park because I was running late.  It was a lucky thing, because I gave rides to a couple of people who were of my age group and were having a tough time navigating the uneven ground.
     To top it off, my legs have been itching like crazy for 24 hours.
     I have taken allergy medication, rubbed aloe cream on them , rubbed shea butter cream on them....and they still itch.
     It will be a hard night sleeping tonight.
     I'll either scratch myself all night or cramp up.
     I just hope my legs are normal tomorrow.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

I scream, you scream....

I helped at the museum's ice cream social today

     We sold ice cream, pies, cakes and cookies.
     But not my cookies, because when I went into town I left them sitting at home on the counter.    Four dozen Amish sugar cookies......and they are yummy.
     I think I will freeze most of them.  I may try to send some to a friend at NIU, but have not decided yet.
     Any way, between the heavy downpours, we did sell about 50 ice creams.  Problem is, we had 150.   (That in itself is a long story, best left untold.  For now.)
     I took a sign and stood in the intersection in downtown Rochelle, telling people about the ice cream and pies available.  Several people followed my advice.
     I had a lot of fun doing that.  I can interact with people, total strangers, but can sit at a party and not talk to anyone.  Strange guy, I am.
     If you decide t o visit the museum tomorrow, you may get a free ice cream as part of your visit.  But then again, you may not.....because I can't remember what was decided.
     The Heritage Festival car show was a little sparse this year.  The possibility of bad weather kept a lot of cars in their garages.  The street where the museum is normally is filled with cars.  Today there were none.
     There were some on the main street, but nothing like in previous years.
     That is no one's fault.  We can't control the weather, yet.
     Tomorrow's weather for the parade is supposed to be great.  Look for me, I may show up in one of the entries.
     Or, maybe not.

Friday, August 19, 2016

El or L.......

I sometimes don't read the whole word

     Once upon a time, I was given a perscription for norco for pain.  I also have norvasc for by blood pressure.  I was in pain, picked up a said I took one.  The pain did not go away.          I took another.   Pain did not go away.  Four pills later, I discovered I was taking my blood pressure medication, not the pain killer.
     Once Emily stopped laughing, she told me I would be ok.  Light headed, but ok.
     So the other day, I was racing to the Metra station to catch the train back to Elburn. Looked at the posted schedule and saw one left from track one at 5:40.  It was 5:38.  So I ran like an out of shape old guy and hit the train right at 5:40.  Before I got on, I said to the conductor, "Going to Elburn, right?"  He said, "Elmhurst."
     Lucky I didn't get on.
     I went back to the platforms and found the 5:42 to 5:43.  Doors closed.  Six of us standing on the platform.  One lady pounded on the door.  But the train just slowly moved down the line, without us.
     So I had 30 minutes to kill in the Ogilvie station.
     Turns out the French Market on the lower level has a killer pastry shop.....and I bought Jackie a luscious little chocolate treat to make up for me being gone all day.
     Caught the 6:10 and sat with a woman from Rochelle, who happened to get on the same car at the same time I did.
     Small world, sometimes.
     Bu I really need to read the whole word.  That would make my life simpler.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

we are perfect

I went to my fifth Cub game of the year 

     We are 5-0 in those games.  Perfect.
     Hard to believe, isn't it?
     So, instead of a bunch of words, I will let pictures do the talking.

Skydivers opened the day with a drop in

 We could tell what was coming by watching the video board

The W was a nice touch

Pinpoint accuracy

Here comes the flag
102 MPH...that is a fastball

Right field board says it all

Everybody seems to take a Harry picture

Check out the one in the bottom right

Doors in the left field bleachers offer a free, but limited, view

I don't think she got what she wanted.

Someone didn't tell the birds the cement was wet

To the Batmobile, Robin!
You can't smoke em, but you can hold them in your mouth.....Jackie, look familiar?

pretty sky

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Life's stinks

Sometmes my sense of smell goes bonkers

     But not always.
     The other night I was driving back from weeding the garden at church in DeKalb.  It was a fairly cool night, so I had the car windows open.
     As I drove down Lincoln Highway in DeKalb, I could smell all the foods being cooked in the restaurants.  I must have been hungry!  I could smell the beef.......there must have been 1,000 hanburgers cooking!  I started to drool.
     And going down 38, I could smell the corn.  Seriously, I could smell the stalks of corn.
    That is until I hit a field near Kish.  It must have been pig manure, but the field certainly made my eyes water.
     I also smelled smoke in various places.  I did not see smoke.  I at first thought maybe there was a huge forest fire out west, but there is not so it must have been local.
     And diesel fumes from passing trucks.  And exhaust from cars.
     Then I hit Creston and smelled the landfill.....that is fairly pungent!  I often wonder if the people near the landfill ever open windows in their houses, or hang out clothes.
     Then it was back to the diesel smells.....the area near Petro always smells like a truck just passed.  Mainly because a couple hundred did.
     My favoriet smells are pines, lilacs and lavender.  OK, throw in the scent of beef getting grilled over a grill.  And chocolate chip cookes  baking.
     Now I'm hungry.  Again.
     Maybe sleep will put a rest to the cravings.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

the lost is found

I found an old friend on Facebook today

     We are now friends.  After a long time, we have reconnected.
     That is the wonder of the modern age.
     At the same time, there is cause for concern.
     What if the new friend (here after called NF) is a radical right winger?   What if NF has lost their sense of humor?  What if NF reads this and unfriends me because NF will sense I am an idiot?  What if NF is a secret Cardinals fan?
     Only time will tell.
     To be honest,  I seldom check my friends request section.  No reason, I just don't check it often.       Then when I do, I see requests from people that I don't recognize, or don't remember, which is more likely the case.  Then there are the ones I think I will accept the friend request, and I forget.  Months go by, and then I am too embarrassed to accept because I have delayed so long.
     Anyway, NF might have already quit reading this and unfreinded me. But I hope not.
     I got an alumni newsletter from my old high school today.  I was browsing through the notes from graduates and ran across one from a guy who graduated in 1956.  That was 10 years before me, so I assume he is 10 years older than me, or about 78.  He and his female friend are going on a 5 day bike trip around Niagra Falls.  The man is 78 and riding more than me!  Not only that, he has a female friend is riding more than me!
     That motivated me to take a ride today.  Hopefully the motivation is still there tomorrow.
     Peace to all....

Monday, August 15, 2016

wondering aloud

I find myself talking out loud lately

     The problem is, I think I am talking to myself.
     Usually it is something totally harmless, like, "That was a waste of time."
      But what if I say something insulting out loud, like, "My gawd, look at that shirt.  Boy is it ugly."
     If the person who I am talking about hears me, he/she very well could beat the snot out of me, which is not a hard thing to do.
     And frequently I do have negative thoughs about how people dress, park, talk, eat, look, walk, breathe, and a host of other traits that I often comment upon in my head.
     But what happens when I start speaking out loud, thinking I am talking in my head?
     I don't think it will be pretty.
     Anyway, my blog post last night was blocked, then evidently unblocked, as being malicious.
     It wasn't, but then again, I did seem to be abusing a turkey leg.
     Probably someone hit the wront button.  In my head I am saying, "Just like me, doing something dumb again."
     And this time, that stayed in my head.
     But there is always tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

curiouser and curiouser

I wonder about a lot of things

     Why do I always run out of gas on the mower when I am in the back of the yard?
     Why do the beer vendors at the ball park always seem to be in front of me at key times in a ball game?
     Why does Pink Hat Man leave the game after the seventh inning for most games?
     Why is there a red truck every weekday morning in the parking lot at Skare Park by the disc golf?
     Why do the Cards give the Cubs problems every game?
     Why does someone have to be Cub fan or White Sox fan?
     Why can't I see shooting stars?
     Why does cake taste better with ice cream?
     Why are so many commercials highly annoying?
     Why do turkey legs taste so good?
     Hard to know the answers.
Attacking, like a wolf......

I am sad it's all gone.........

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Huzzah!! Huzzah!!

I travelled back in time today

     I went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire with John and Emily.
     I had not been in a few years.  I loved it.
     There is something about the faire....I don't know if it is the smells, the food, the entertainment or the people.
     There are acts throughout the fair grounds.  We watched MooNie the Magnif'Cent and  also the Tortuga Twins.
     I saw MooNie three years ago, and I don't think his act has changed much.  He did say he has been touring with this act for 27 years....and some of the bits are that old.
     The Tortuga Twins did an audience participation reenactment of the Robin Hood story... sort of. It was funny and they used the audience to create laughter.
     I kept thinking of Exit 99.....and we could do something like this very easily.  We are as funny, if not funnier, and are pretty quick on our feet.  We need to regroup.
     Any way, not Ren Faire would be complete without a turkey leg...and it was delicious.
     But the best part is people watching.  We saw a man in a motorized wheelchair.  The guy must have weighed 400 pounds.  He had a sign that said:  I beat anorexia.   It was pretty funny.
     I saw a man in a bra and dress, and he was not disguising himself as a woman.  One guy had a long white drover's type coat and was wearing a WW I gas mask.  Elves, ninjas, fairies, Victorian ladies and lords, jesters........ all sorts of people who were not part of the cast.
     It's a fun day.
     But enough of my ramblings.  Some photos are in order.

Firsty you dip  your hands in wax

Next you make sure the wax molds to your hands

Last, someone very carefully cuts the top part off and gently works your hands out of the wax mld

I'm forever blowing bubbles

Long Live the Queen!!  Huzzah Elizabeth!!

MooNie plays with fire!!

And he does a tightrope walk and juggles
I liked the bubble man

Friday, August 12, 2016

holy cow

I just checked my stats page

     This blog has attracted over 51,000 page views!!!  I am absolutely amazed!!  And Astounded!! And grateful!
     I never expected to be continuing this long, or having this many page views.  Thank you.
     I know occasionally this is lame......coming up with an idea to write about almost everyday sometimes stresses me out.  That is why I drink wine.
     Well, that and I like wine.
     I have not had any today but I should because my old info did not transfer over to the new machine.
     Pictures, possibly gone.  No, I have not done a Cuba book.  Or a Tuscany book for that matter.
     My Great American Novel....gone.  My second GAN gone.  My third GAN....well, I actually have a printed copy of that.
     I think the kids are going to try one more time.  If they can't, I may make an appointment with the geniuses and see if they can......but it will cost.
     The main lesson here is: Back it up!
     The second lesson is:  When you get a message that says back up failed, ask someone about it.  Do not ignore it.
     It may cost you a Pulitzer.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

half the battle

My computer ignorance hurts

     I can't open my comcast e mail on my little computer.  Don't know why.  I have entered every password and variation I can, and nothing.  Nada. Zilch.
     So, if you have e mailed me in the last 24 hours, I will not yet be responding.  I may never respond.
     My old computer had a failing hard drive, as John said.  So I got a new computer.
     I now have learned why back up is important.
     At some point, maybe because of the hard drive failure, my computer stopped automatic back ups, evidently quite a while ago.
     You might as well know:  I have writtend the great American novel.  Not only have I written one, I am close to finishing a second and have about one fifth of a third one done.  All on my now dead computer.
     But John and Emily are computer literate, so they are loading all our old crap onto our new computer.  Hopefully.
     I know that I have to go through my word files and delete all the stuff I don't want or need.....we have too much stuff saved.  Sa me with e mail.  And pictures.
     But that is another day....another frustration to encounter.
     If it wasn't for Emily and John, I'd be hauling the old and new computer back to the store and paying them to transfer the data.  Thank you two, very much.
     And once it is transferred, the Apple store people  will recycle it.  Which will be much better than me storing it in the basement.
     With all my other treasures.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

yech...that's all

Today was a blah kind of day

     Yes, I did get the yard mowed.
     But I hoped to get in a ride this evening.
     I walked Corki and by the time I got home at 7....I was covered in sweat and really, really drained.
     So I had a couple of glasses of rose to cool me down.
     It worked.  Or maybe it was the AC.
     Anyway, no ride.
     We took Corki to the vet today because she has been biting her feet and licking her self a lot.
     Emily said allergies and said try an OTC allergy medication.
     I thought Corki needed her anal glands expressed....what ever that means..... and opted for the vet today.   Boot Scoot Boogie would have been an appropriate song.
    Vet said:  Corki has allergies.  She is  now on prednisone.  Her vet visit cost more than a doctor's visit.  Her anal glands are fine.
     (Digression:  Last visit, the vet tech offered to show me how to express the anal glands myself and save a trip to the vet.  Just the sound of doing that gives me the creeps.)
     If Emily could have prescribed some prednisone, we wouldn't have had to take her.
     It's almost 11 and I am heading out into the back yard to lay on my back and watch the stars.
     Hopefully I'll see some shooting stars in the Perseid group.  At least the sky is clear.
     I just hope a pack of wild coyotes doesn't try to carry me off.  I could supply a pack with enough food for a month!
     Peace out.......

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

round and round it goes

I admit, I do get frustrated

     It started simply.  Call the Apple store to set up a genius bar appointment so they can tell me what is wrong and what the cost is.
     Except, my call went to an automated system somewhere who the hell knows where.
     When I finally talked to a woman, I found myself in a catch 22 situation.
     Bcause my computer is older, it has to go to a vintage repair shop, not the store.
     I asked the lady if my computer is beyond repair, or it's an expensive repair, will I be able to buy a new computer at that store?.
     No.  I have to go to the Apple store.
     So I asked why I can't take my computer to the Apple store, have them check it out, tell me what is wrong, and if it is a lot to repair, order a new one.
     She said I can't because they don't repair older computers at the store.
     After running this circular conversation three times, I said thank you, I guess I will have to find another solution.
     I went on line and scheduled an appointment at the Apple store myself.
     And despite Apple being a computer company, that was not easy.
     For instance, they ask the serial number of a computer that won't start.  Luckily, the serial numer is on the if I actually saved a box for seven years!  And no, I did not.
     Anyway, long story short....going to Naperville Thursday.
     And compounding the problem, I can't get my Comcast e mail on my pc..........I have no idea what a stmp is, but mine needs correcting.
     I'm gonna put that on my list of things that I need to get fixed!

Monday, August 8, 2016


Our computer seems to have died

     ,John looked at it and made a preliminary diagnosis of hard drive failure, pending review by certified Apple personnel.
     I Mac was created some 7 years ago, in a large Chinese factory.  It had a great memory,  and adequate resolution, although its speed has been in a failing state for several months.
     I Mac is survived by several relatives, including Macbook Pro, I phone, and Notebook, and its constant companion through the years, Mouse.  Several close friends, including Jackie and Terry, are held closely in its memory.
     Services are pending an appointment with the Genius Bar.
     In lieu of flowers, Apple gift cards are requested.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

out of control

I sacrificed supper tonight

     No, I did eat eat....the sacrifice was in the cooking.
     We had a couple of steaks and some vegetable kabobs.  I turned the gas grill on high..all three burners.
     My thinking was sear the meat, then lower the temp and let it cook slowly while the veggies cooked.
     I tossed the steaks on, then went to help Jackie with the kabobs.....and that took longer than expected.
     When I got back out, I swear the grill was at 900 and the steaks were blackened around the edges.       Plus, they seemed smaller.
     And there was flame on the bottom of the grill.
     So I pulled the steaks off, turned down the temps, and waited for the grill to cool before I put on the kabobs.
     The kabobs actually turned out ok...except the carrots were a little hard.  But the corn and potatoes were fine.
     The steaks were dry.  And tough.  And black.
     I'm just glad I didn't melt the siding off the was that hot.  I did get a little worried about the fire on the bottom, but nothing blew up so I guess all's well that ends well.
     I did order a new left side shelf for the grill.  Last spring's storm caused my shelf to break and it just looks tacky, so I got a new one.  I'll put it on tomorrow.  That should be an all day project.
     But at least I won't burn anything.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

confused, as usual

My computer has flummoxed me tonight

     I sat down to type, and could not get out of Facebook.  The little color wheel just spun and spun.  Got me dizzy keeping up with it.
     I tried escape, escape control, escape control, get the idea.
     Finally, after 5 minutes, I turned it off.
     When I turned it on, the screen was gray and a box with a question mark popped up.  And stayed.  And stayed.
     I turned if off, waiting, then turned it back on and ...... the box with a question mark appeared again. I have a virus?
     Do I need a new computer?
     Do I have some updates I don't know about?
     Only two people can answer my question (hint:  they live close. and are married.) but tomorrow is a busy day.
     Maybe after being off for a while, it will work better?  I know that is not how things work....but I can hope.
     Meanwhile....any suggestions would be helpful.  I did try force quit, but it would not quit.
     It's possessed.  The demons have taken over.
     Funny, 20 years ago that would not have bothered me.  Now it seems the computer and internet are lifelines to the world.  I check ball scores, (Cubs won!  But I don't know about the Cards and Sox.) read the headlines, find out what crazy things were said today in our political world, and even check the weather.
     I can do all that on my pc, but I have not yet.  Because I am doing this.
    Usually my blog is the last thing I do before the hour of bed prep time....but tonight, I still have webs to surf, and stories to read before I go to sleep.
     Sorry, Robert Frost.

Friday, August 5, 2016

let the games begin

I love the Olympics!

     It doesn't matter if it's summer or winter, I love the Games.  I am a little partial to winter, to be honest.
     I think it is amazing that people of all nations, religions, creeds, beliefs, social systems, whatever....come together with the sole purpose of competing.
     No sectarian violence.  No demonstrations.  No protests about who should and who shouldn't compete.
     They live along side each other, eat food with each other, travel with each other.  It truly amazes me, and makes me wonder why the world can't be an Olympic village.
     Early in the parade of athletes, a young man came in, looked around, and tears began rolling down his cheeks.  I can only imagine the sacrifices, work, challenges, that young man had overcome to be in Rio.  He may never win a medal, but he is there.  That counts.
     I thought I knew world geography, but there were nations represented that I had never heard of and others that I had no idea where they were, exactly.
    And the ceremony itself was spectacular, with the dancers, performers, staging, fireworks..... pretty darn neat.
     It's hard to imagine that this is a country teetering on the edge of instability.   A president under impeachment, an economy that has collapsed.  Poverty abounds in the hills outside of town, the lagoon is filled with a mix of human waste and garbage...and billions were spent on hosting the games.
      Hopefully, for the next two weeks we can be focused on the games and not the hatred.
      Who knows:  Maybe even peace will break out as a result of these games.
       And I was impressed by the 54 year old man competing this year.  His is an equestrian event, so maybe that explains how an older guy can go against youngsters.  I hope he wins a gold.
     Now if I could just find a sport that matches my athletic ability.........

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Dracula, I presume?

I don't like blood tests!

    Because of cholesterol medications we are on, we have to get our blood checked several times a   year.
    Today was that day.
    This is a pretty normal thing for most people, but for me, it is an experience in fear, anxiety, apprehension, worry, and hunger.
    I can't look.  I have to take off my glasses, turn away, and generally hum.  I don't know why I hum, but I usually do.
    And I always tell the tech drawing the blood that I am nuts.  Years ago, and I mean years, I actually almost fainted and had to lay down.
    I am much better.
    The tech today was one of the best I have had!  I didn't even feel the poke!  It was over before I had a chance to hyperventilate and sweat profusely.
    Jackie is just the problem for her.  She is quite comfortable with someone sticking a needle in her arm.
    Me?  I worry about whether the person sanitized their hands after the last bathroom break and if the gloves are still sterile or were used to clean out a toilet.
    Some great author once wrote, "Much Ado About Nothing."
    That's what my test was......nothing.
    The only satisfaction I do get is a cinnamon roll and a vanilla capachinno afterwords.  I know that is not spelled correctly, but it is really storming now and I want to get off the computer.
    Peace out, dudes and dudettes!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I am starving

We are getting blood tests tomorrow

     That means no food for 12 hours before the test.
     We don't get up early, but I am hopeful that by 8 we can be at the hospital, having needles stuck in our arms and having the blood sucked out as if a giant mosquito was having it's way with us, but without the itch.  Then we can go have breakfast.
     I have been thinking of food since 8......which will be 12 hours.
     I have not had my late night snack, or the couple of bits of chocolate, or the piece of fruit.  Golly, I do eat a lot at night!
     All I can think about is an omelette with hash browns, or a a huge cinnamon roll, or a half pound of bacon, cooked to perfection......
     Morning can't come fast enough.
     I rode my bike today, then took Corki for a walk.  When we walk, I take off her fence collar so she can get out of the yard without being zapped.
     At 9 I let her out and went to finish the dishes.
     At about 9:40, I heard a dog barking out front and it sounded like Corki. Why did it sound like Corki?  Because it was!!
     Not only did I forget I let her out, I didn't put her fence collar on either.  She stayed in the yard...luckily.
     Food deprivation does that to me....clouds my thinking...makes me irrational.....maybe he would be a good president.....maybe indiscriminate use of nuclear weapons is a good idea......makes me sometimes think insane thoughts.
     Dreams will be of a food nature tonight!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

it's a sign

I don't have the eyes of a 20 year old

     So sometimes I miss things, or misread them.
     Like the Yahoo story about the cat bringing in the wood.  It was actually a cat hiding in the wood, but I misread the title.  I didn't read the article because it didn't interest me, but that is not the point.
     Words sometimes seemed jumbled to me.
     Whether it's a book, a newspaper, or a sign, sometimes I just mis read it.  I don't know if that is going to be a bigger problem in the future.
     But I do know auto correct is driving me nuts.
     When I use an abbreviation on the phone, it will substitute a word and I don't bother to read what I wrote, so I hit send.
     I told Jackie I was stopping at Petro.  Auto correct changed it to Pedro.  She wondered why I was stopping at Pedro.
     I sent her a text that it took me two hours to get to Johns.  Autocorrect changed it to Johnsons.
     I caught one where I typed tonite and was autocorrected to Toni's.
     And sometimes I can't see the little screens clearly and I end up sending strange messages.
     And hearing?
     I just heard police were investigating an alligator on the city's north side.  Turned out, it was a shooting in an alley.
     Well, I got part right.
     I don't like this aging process at all.

Monday, August 1, 2016

stocking up

I can't pass up a good buy

    I was at a store today and saw tea bags on sale for $2.29.  The box of 100 had an extra 25, so I could have 125 bags. for less than $3.
     So I bought them.
     125 bags is about a four month supply for me.  One bag a day.
     I put the box on the shelf with three other boxes, all bought on sale.
     So, I have a year's supply of tea bags.
     I can't buy anymore..... despite the cost.
     I seem to do that:  buy stuff I don't need when it is on sale.  That's why I have a six month supply of tp and a year supply of paper towels.
     Maybe I should stop buying it and just wait for the prices to rise?
     No, I can't  I have to buy low, just like the stock market mavens say to do.
     Eventually I will have to buy some more shelving units to hold all the stuff.  Maybe they will go on sale soon.
     I'll stock up on them too, just in case.