Thursday, August 1, 2024

same old, same old

 Not much has changed around here

    Still can't hear, still dizzy, still tired, internet still dropping, Jackie still dropping.

    Oh, wait!  That is new!

    Either because of my unsteadiness or whatever, I missed her chair getting her out of bed this morning.  She did not fall, but she ended up on the floor.

    Julia came and we pushed Jackie so her feet were on the wall, then lifted her up and pushed the chair under her.  That's when I asked Julia how long it will take her to drive from her house to our house.

    Emily may be available some mornings, and other people, like Kevin, Curt, and Todd (3 different people) have said they would all help.  The goal is not to need anyone.

    Speaking of Curt, he dropped off some cucumbers and zucchini yesterday.  My cucumber plants have not even flowered!  He said his beans did real well while mine came out smaller than a #2 Ticonderoga.  (That is a pencil for all you technical people out there who never learned to use one or write in cursive.)

    And yesterday I had a high schooler mow the field for me.  That will be a regular occurrence.  Julia will mow the yard  this weekend but I may just have the kid do both in the future.  At least until my issues are cleared up.

    Julia kept track of interned drops today.  She recorded 19 by 4 p.m.  19 times we lost our internet connection.

    I went back on the help line and this time had alive chat with a real person!  I explained, again, the problem.  She ran some tests and said everything was fine.  I told her it was not.

    Julia came upstairs at about this time and took over the chat while I did another chore.

    When the lady said all systems look good and we should restart the modem, Julia typed (maybe in all caps) We have done that before and it does not work!

    She got transferred to a management person who arranged for another visit by a tech.

    So tomorrow a top line tech is coming out to check out our system.

    We have replaced the modem, put a new line out to the back, had techs twice run tests and nothing shows.  All I know is we keep dropping the internet.

    Tomorrow I am going to ask. them to put in a new router.  If that doesn't work, I don't know what will.  A new cable box in the back yard?

    It is just so frustrating to be in the middle of something and the connection is lost.

    Hopefully things are better tomorrow.

    But I am telling you....this ear this is getting me frustrated and depressed.  I when to the chiropractor today and he did some back adjsusting and worked on my neck and ear area, but there is not relief.

    He suggested some tree oil and coconut oil on a cotton ball and sticking it in my ear.

    For some reason, that makes me a little nervous.

    But then again, maybe it will help.  Gotta Google it.

Peace and Love

And some pictures

Me and my cup plant...which is taller than me!

Seed pods on the lead plant

This may be hard to see....but the leaves on the cup plant hold a little bit of moisture where they connect at the base.  That's why it is a cup plant.  The moisture can be used by birds and insects.

I have used my father's magnifying glass ever since he died in 1977.  I don't know how long he had it, but today I had to say good bye to it.  Seems glass breaks on cement surfaces.

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