Monday, August 5, 2024


 It's funny how some numbers just stick to us

    I still remember my old phone number for Belle Plaine in Chicago, even though my mother moved out in 1977.  I still  remember friend John's phone number, and that has been at least 40 years.

    Back in those days we had letters for the first 2 entries.  Like my exchange was Buckingham, so my phone number start BU 1.  John's was GR for Graceland.  GR 2.  I don't know thy rhyme or reason for assigning the exchange names.

    I know my barber's, the hospital, the museum, the bank we use.....all sorts of numbers.

    But one that surprised me was the one that came up in a federal drug trial in Chicago.

    Seems one of the accused would go to Mexico to  buy burner phones for his team in New York.   He then would test them by calling a number.  He called a  Chicago number all the time.......588-2300.     

    If you are from the city, you must recognize the Empire Carpet number.  So, this big time drug dealer called Empire to check out his burner phone.

    Again, a number that is easy to remember because he dialed it so much.

    Like Hudson 3 2700, another carpet company in Chicago.  Started with a B......can't remember.

    Anyway, couple stopped by to drop something off at my house today.  I immediately called him by the wrong name.  I know his name.  I really do.  But, my foggy head sometimes isn't exact on what it wants to say or do.

    Still dizzy, still deaf, still tired.  Slept until 10 then slept from 1 to 3 and can barely keep my eyes open.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Just for the record, Olympians are amazing.  

Peace and Love


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