Wednesday, August 14, 2024

OH not PA or DA

My niece is back in Illinois for a few days 

    I always ask her how things are in Pennsylvania.  She always tells me she does not know because she lives in Ohio.

    Why can't I remember that?

    Adding to the confusion, she lives in Delaware, Ohio.  So now I sometimes think she lives in the state and not the city.

    Getting old is rough.

    But we had a nice lunch a nd a great visit.  I guess.  I could not hear all of the conversation, but I did hear that I was intelligent, smart, resourceful, kind, generous and incredibly good looking.

    At least I think that is what was said.

    Hearing is a funny thing.

    With my right ear dead, I hear music differently.

    I heard a Beatles song today and did not recognize it.  It didn't sound like the Beatles.  But it was.  I guess I am listening to stereo music in mono now.

    Ok, people of a certain age will. not understand that.  

    The other thing is, when people are talking I can't always tell who they are, or even where they are!  The sound comes in my left ear, but they may be on my right and I get confused.

    And I still am dizzy.  That's why Emily had to come over and help me pick up Jackie while Julia moved the wheelchair into place. 

    That is twice in a week.  I have to do better than that.

    She does not fall hard, just sort of slides down to the floor.  Still.....

    Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be better.  For me and the Cubs!

Peace and Love

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