Friday, August 9, 2024

Day 13

Tomorrow is my 2 weak anniversary 

    Get the pun?  Weak instead of week?

    I am one funny guy.

    Still deaf.  Still tired.  Still dizzy.

    I guess you could say I have the stills.

    Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    I am killing myself here.

    I have a morning routine.  I get dressed, get Jackie ready, give her breakfast, then sit down in front of the computer and read the paper on line, play Wordle, check Facebook go through any e mails, and generally waste time.

    Today I finished the paper, she was ready to move to her chair, we had to do corn, and I told her after her soap we would do the corn.

    I moved her to her chair and went back to finish Wordle, which was confusing to me today.

    My eyes got heavy and I moved to my chair, taking my security blanket with me.  Must have been about 1:30 or so.

    I got up at 4:15.  And I am still tired.

    Yes, the corn got done.

    And by done I mean husked, shucked, boiled, scraped, and bagged.  It really didn't take too long.

    I read about the Park Fire in California.  So far it has consumed 660 square miles and is only partially contained.

    Ogle County is a fairly big county, I think.  I totals 766 square miles.   So the Park Fire has burned almost the size of Ogle County.  That is frightening.

    I also saw an article that Ogle County was having a recycling day tomorrow.  Residents could recycle alkaline babtteries for $4 a pound and that sort made me feel that is wrong.

    Why should consumers have to pay to recycle?  Shouldn't the plastics people, the battery industry, the aluminum industrrty, and glass makers do their share and recycle the products they produce?  Why do we pay the burden?

    If I was king, it would all be different.  I would just need one day.  Just one.

Peace and Love

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