Monday, August 26, 2024

Groundhog Day

 Sometimes I think I am caught in a time warp

    I get Jackie up, make the bed, take a shower, help her get ready,  make breakfast, and read the paper.  

    It's the same routine every morning.

    Then I get lunch and lately, I take a nap.

    I think I napped for almost 2 hours today.  But I did not pay attention to the time.  I had no plans that involved going out into the 90+ weather.  

    I did schedule my MRI.

    The first time they had open would not work for me, so I set Sept. 19.  I know, I should not wait, but I did not want to get up at 6 a.m. to be at their first opening.

    How do I know when cucumbers are ripe? 

    I have a lot of them.  If anyone wants some, let me know.  You can come over and pick a few. Or a lot.

    Anyway, the ones in the store are all green.  Mine have a little yellow on the bottom.  Are they over ripe or not ready?  Guess I will Google that.

    I watched most of the Cub game tonight.  I think if a team is going to put in a position player to pitch, the game should be over.  It's a farce.

    Hoping the heat goes away and we get some rain.... maybe Wednesday or Thursday.  Hopefully.

Peace and Love

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