Monday, August 12, 2024

holy criminey Pete

This was quite the strange day 

    I did not get up until 10:30, but I had an excuse.

    Last night I pulled my porch recliner out onto the sidewalk and sat outside to watch for meteors.

    After all, this is the Persied Meteor shower period and you can expect t to see 40 or more per hour!

    So there I am, with 2 blankets covering me, laying on my. back, watching the sky when suddenly a meteor soars past right above me.

    Cool I thought.....40 or more per hour.. here I am 15 minutes into it and I have seen one.

    After 90 minutes, I had a total of 3.

    What the hell.

    So, I did not get to bed until a little after  1,  Normally I have a potty call at some ungodly hour, so I figured I would go out again.

    Never happened.  Slept the whole night until around 5, which is actually only 4 hours.

    I had a couple of errands to run today.  Saw a friend pull into their driveway and pulled in right after her to visit.

    Stopped at MK and S's to wish their son good luck.

    Went to Walmart and was disappointed 4 of the items on my list were not on the shelf.

    Started home and while I was on Flagg Road by the high school I saw a huge column of black smoke to the south.

    Being of a curious nature, I went around and saw a house on fire!  I don't believe there were any fire fighters on the scene yet, and the smoke was thick and black.

    I parked in front of a friend's house and rang their bell, because now I could hear the fire trucks.

    When they answered, I I told them a house on the next street was ablaze.

    But the main reason I stopped  was not the fire, just to say hello and to tell them how sorry I was about a recent death in the family.

    It was a big fire too.

    I just hope everyone got out safely.

    Not as dizzy as I have been.  Still a little unsteady when I walk.  Still can't hear.

    And today we dealt with dropped internet several times.

    That is more frustrating than anything.  Someone has to be able to figure this out.

Peace and Love

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