Saturday, August 24, 2024


I made supper tonight

    That is not unusual,  I make supper a lot.

    But tonight I cooked from a recipe!

    And Renee, it was from A Taste of Home.  Or from home.  Or something home.

    Anyway, we had some big green peppers in the garden.  So I made stuffed green peppers.

    Usually when I cook it is pretty basic.  I can burn meat, undercook vegetables, and forget parts of a meal.

    Tonight I pushed my limits.

    I made rice.  I cooked hamburger.  I washed, cored, and boiled green peppers.  I stepped over Beth 897 times. I followed a recipe.  I spilled tomato sauce all over the cooktop.

    I even husked and cooked 3 ears of corn.

    By the way, Seebachs will be done with corn tomorrow.  They are on Center Road south of Flagg Road and it is good corn.  But with the rains predicted, they picked the last of their field.  So if you want corn, head out there tomorrow.

    It all tasted pretty ok.  Not great, but ok.

    I cleaned up most of the dishes, but I got tired and took a break for a while.

    Dizziness was not bad today.  I notice when I am tired, I get dizzy.  I took a 60 minute nap before going to Emily's and letting out the dogs and felt pretty good when I woke up.

    I also got the field mowed today.

    No, I did not over do it.  In fact, a very polite young man did the mowing while I sat in the AC.  Damn, it was hot out there.  And it won't be any cooler  next week.  Heat indexes over 110?  Yikes.

    I read an interesting tidbit today.

    Seems a well known actress was walking down a street in London when she saw some fruit on the sidewalk.  She stopped, picked it up, and took a bite.  It was a Jerusalem cherry and is mildly poisonous.

    I am just wondering what kind of person finds fruit on the ground and takes a bite?  She said she did not swallow, but spit it out instead.

    Yikes.  Even I would never do that!

    It takes all kinds.

Peace and Love

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