Tuesday, August 13, 2024

how many times do I have to tell you

Don't change passwords and forget to write down the new ones 

    As a matter of fact, Julia has told me several times NOT TO CHANGE PASSWORDS on specific accounts.

    So when I changed my Xfinity password last night, it screwed up everything.  

    Especially when I did not remember what I changed it to.

    I also had another password written in pencil that I erased, for some unknown reason, and could not remember it either.

    Funny thing....the second password was key to getting the first password.

    I have now noted in my password book:  Do Not Change.  Ever.

    By the way, I did he same thing 2 weeks ago and she had to spend a lot of time unraveling my misdeeds.  Ditto today.

    I posted a video on Facebook today.  I went out in the front yard and there were bunches of dragonflies buzzing around in the yard.  Dozens!  It was like a dragonfly convention!

    I am too lazy to Google it, but I thought they fed on mosquitoes and were usually around water.  We don't have any water near us.

    After supper I noticed a lot of swifts in the back yard, gobbling up bugs.  I wonder if they were feeding on the dragonflies.

    When I mow, I generally have a few swifts flying near me, catching insects the mower has flushed.  It is amazing to watch these aerial acrobats.

    I was the designated dog feeder tonight.  Emily, Julia, and a bunch of people went to see Green Day at Wrigley.  I don't think I will ever stop worrying about them.  Does any parent?  

    Anyway, I got the dogs fed.  I will go back about 11 an let them out again.

    Last night I went to my porch recliner and watched for shooting stars.  I saw a few bright ones, a couple of dull ones, but more than I did the night before.

    My chair is right next to some lavender plants and as I was sitting there I could smell the lavender and I was pretty darn relaxed.  I might have even fallen asleep for a minute or two.

    I am going to add "Making lavender potpourri" to my list of things to Google.

    While I still can't hear, no dizziness for most of the day.  But I do get dizzy when I get tired, so I found sitting down helps.

    Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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