Sunday, August 25, 2024

still around

 I had an interesting morning

    The word interesting is, well, interesting.

    For example:  Looking at a piece of abstract art entitled Pluto and Mickey at Work  may appear a jumble of reds, greens, oranges and some yellow.  Not know what to say, you say, "That's interesting."

    Or when someone tells you why they are supporting a certain felon for office, instead of saying the person is off his meds or has a loose brain, you say.  "That's interesting."

    But I digress.

We generally get up around 10.  The whole day is shot. I am unproductive.  Not that I am very productive anyway, but 10 is too late to get out of bed.

    So we have been gradually getting up earlier.  This week the alarm goes off at 8:15 and we get up.

    This morning Jackie got me up at 7:30 because she had to use the bathroom.

    I got her in there, but I was very tired.  So I lay down in bed again.  I should have made the bed instead, but I didn't.

    I can't hear out of my right ear.  So naturally, I put my left ear into the pillow and went back to sleep.

    I did that once before and Jackie had to call Julia, who was working.  But Julia and Emily went to Canada this weekend.

    I was sound asleep when I heard the voice of an angel calling me.  "Terry.....Terry...."

    I rolled over, opened my eyes and there was Sheri!

    What the hell, I thought.

    "Jackie is calling you.  She could not get you, so she called me."  And she left.

    Jackie had been trying for 45 minutes to get me!  She yelled, she called on the telephone, she pounded the wall and then she called Sneri.

    Later Sheri texted me and said she did not know if she had to call 911. the girls or how she would get Jackie out of the bathroom.

    I hope she was joking.

    But hell, I am 76.  It happens to people my age all the time.  

    Anyway, supper was another adventure.

    I made meat loaf.  Actually, I made 4 meat loaves.  They are small, and we ate 2 and froze the remaining 2.

    I like to add bread crumbs to the mix.  I think it gives it a little more body.

    I looked in our cabinet and found a box of Italian seasoned bread crumbs.

    Nice, I thought.

    I poured some into the ground beef mix and thought they looked unlike any other bread crumbs I have seen.

    I looked on the box and was surprised to see a box top for education logo on the top.


    Then I found the date.  "Best used before March 2016."  They are older than most second graders!!! 

     Holy crap.

    I rinsed ground beef off and tossed the bread crumbs away.

    The meat loaf was fine, by the way.

Peace and Love

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