Saturday, August 17, 2024

so far, so good

 We have not lost internet all day

    That is a big thing for us!  We were losing it multiple times an hour until the Comcast guy figured out what the problem might be.

    Here's the funny thing.  Every time we have had a Comcast person to the house we get a survey.  

    This guy comes, apparently fixes the problem, and we don't get a survey!

    Hopefully we can find a way to reward him for his work.

    Skipped Heritage Festival again this year.  I just didn't feel like walking around downtown today.  

    I did go out to Julia's house with her.  They started framing this week and will be working away next week.  Can't wait for the house to take shape.

    Usually we order  food to take out on Fridays and Saturdays.  Reason one is neither Julia nor I feel like cooking again.  Actually, that is the only reason.

    So tonight I went to Arby's for Jackie.  I was the only person in the restaurant, although there were a couple of cars at the drive thru.

    I went to McDonalds for fries.  I was one of 3 people inside eating.  But again, there were cars in the  drive thru.

    Went to Country School for chicken and the place was packed!  Must have been 12 people inside eating and several cars in the drive thru plus a couple of us with food to go.

    I know!  Three places?  Jackie does not like chicken.  I don't like the fries at Country School.  So I have to hit 3 different places to make everyone happy.

    Also, ran into a former student at Country School and immediately called her by her sister's name even though I knew her name!  Seriously, I knew her right away and the wrong name came out of my mouth.

     As I was going out the door to Julia's,. the Blue Jays had the bases loaded and 2 outs.  As I w walked out the door I heard Jackie say, "Oh great, a grand slam," just as I was closing the back door.  Julia heard it too.

    When I got back, it was 3-2 in favor of the Cubs.

    Turns out the grand slam was actually a deep fly ball that was caught at the wall.  That was good, but I did not know that.  Figured the Cubbies had lost, but no!  They won!!!  Wooo hoo!!!!

    Tomorrow is our last corn day.  I bought 2 more dozen to cook and freeze.  That will be it for corn.

    Next up will be another batch of beans or carrots.   And probably green peppers.

    I also ordered a cooling blanket.  I sometimes get so hot at night I am soaked with sweat.  So I bought a blanket that is supposed to keep you cool at night.  We'll see. 

    I am a weird sleeper. I have to have my feet free of covers.  So I sleep on top of th blanket, with a throw over me.  But the throws are pretty warm, causing me to sweat..

    I know.... TMI.... 

    Still deaf.  Still tired.  Still dizzy.

Peace and Love

looking toward the front

This will be the wine cellar/storm shelter

view out her bedroom windows

great room and kitchen walls almost ready to go

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