Saturday, August 31, 2024


I got in trouble for being honest today 

    First of all, I went to the final market at Cypress House today.  

    It is also only the second one I was at this year.  I just can't seem to get there.

    On the way back to my car, I started walking in an odd way.  Could not go straight.  I always seemed to head to the left and have to correct myself.

    I felt fine.  I am just not used to the ear thing and how it may affect my balance yet.

    Anyway, Julia and Emily and some others were out today.  

    When Julia got home, I told her while she was out shopping I went to the market, did two loads of laundry, emptied the dishwasher and got the lawn mowed.

    Jackie said, "You did not mow the lawn,"

    To which I replied, "I did not say I mowed the lawn.  I said I got it done."

    And I did.  I have a nice high school freshman who will mow the lot and lawn when it needs it.  Today I asked him just to mow the lawn and skip the lot.  I just did not think I would be good mowing it, plus he gets a little something for doing the work.

    So I was honest.    I got the lawn mowed.

    Renee and Wendy came over tonight.  They went out to see the progress on Julia's house, and then we had burgers and brats.

    It was a nice time, but I missed a lot of the conversations that were going on around me.  

    The food was good, the burgers a little under done, the desserts awesome and all in all it was a fun night.

    And the Cubs won!!  That made it a pretty darn good day.

Peace and Love

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