Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 I am being buried by e mails

    I sit down in the morning and check my Yahoo account, mainly because that is where I get the e edition of the Tribune.

    We also get a couple of bills, so I keep an eye out for those also.

    But this week it has been an avalanche!

    One morning I had over 100 e mails!  That is not counting the ones that go to the spam folder.

    Many of them were asking for donations for Kamala and other Dems.  Of course there were the usual surveys from various agencies, ads for audio insurance, home gutter systems, and one that would make me 4 inches bigger.

    But I am 5' 8" now, and I would need to buy all new clothes if I was 6'.

    And no, I don't read any of them unless they are messages I am interested in, like newsletters or sales.

    I realized tonight that I have not looked at my g mail account in months.  I suppose I should do that in case one of my distant cousins in Kenya passed away and left me some money.

    I only left the house 3 times today.  Once to get the garbage can, once to get the recycling bins ,and once to get the mail.

    Even on those brief trips, I was uncomfortable.

    And a little perturbed.

    Heat warnings always include the "check on the elderly" phrase but almost no one has checked on us!  My sister in law Ruth did call,  but I expected hundreds of calls asking how we were doing in this heat.

    So disappointed.

    We did get a call for someone named Donna, but she does not live her.

    When that happens, I always want to say something like:  Donna?  She went out for milk  6 weeks ago and hasn't come back.  Or, No, I am sorry to say Donna is no longer with us.  Or, Donna was kidnapped by aliens last night...I saw the flying saucer with my own eyes!

    But I never do.

    One day I will.

Peace and Love

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