Tuesday, August 6, 2024

stop, thief!!

 My tomato plants have not produced

    Seems there is a thief in the neighborhood.

     caught it red handed!

    Middle of the day!!

    My neighbor messaged me on FB and said there was a deer in my yard and sure enough....it was having a salad of sorts.  I was talking to my sister in law on the phone, but went outside to see.

    It was not frightened of us.  I went out, made noise, Julia went out, made noise and it kept munching my green tomatoes.  I think most of them are now gone.

    I did walk out towards it and it walked slowly to the back of the yard and hid in my native plants.  Then it came back

Nyah! Nyah!  Nyah!  ...can't see me now.  I am hiding!!

I don't think the ribs should be showing this much in summer when plenty of food is around.

    I did call the county animal control because to me the animal seemed very thin with some bald patches.  I know there has been chronic wasting syndrome reported in deer around us and I wondered if there was any agency I should contact to report it.  They did not think so and said that Mother Nature would just take its course.

    I figure coyotes will also play a part.

    I did feel sorry for it, but still did not want it to eat my veggies.

    I even hooked up the hose to spray it, but it seemed to enjoy the water.

    Oh well.

    Still dizzy.  Still can't hear.  Still frustrated. Still tired.  

    Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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