Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Not a lot about anything tonight

    Still dizzy.  Still deaf.   Still tired.

    Such is life.

    A house was just built down the street from us.  According to Zillow the selling price was a bit over $400,000.

    Yikes!  That could be the most expensive home in the subdivision!!

    Julia and I went to her house today.  The forms are off the concrete walls and framing should start next week.  I have pictures, but it is late.  

    The garage floor looks about 3 feet above the ground.  We are both wondering how that will turn out.  

    On the way home we got some sweet corn, so tomorrow Jackie and I will husk and shuck the ears and I will blanch them and freeze them.  I only got 2 dozen ears.  Normally we do 6-8 dozen, but I don't want to do too much at one time.

    No deer in the yard today.  I did not go out to check tomatoes, but will tomorrow.  I hope.

    I might even fill bird feeders.  It has been over a week since I did. that.

    Julia took care of supper again tonight.......that is a big help to me.  She made rosti with chunks of bacon and lots of cheese.  And we had some corn to go with it.  Yummy!!

    I had a strange night overnight.

    One of my dreams was so weird, so detailed, so....... I don't know how to describe it.  I ended up in a store looking for my hotel because everybody abandoned me and I wanted to go back to the hotel.  But I did not remember the name, only where it was.  Sort of.

    The man in the store was very friendly but the store itself was filled with all kinds of bottles, jars, little boxes, books, magazines...... filled.

    At one point one of the jars was knocked off and when I went pick up the contents they were lady bugs. 

    I told him my hotel was by. the reflecting pool and along the interstate.  He called it a wasteland and told me what subways to take to get to it.

    But I also had a nightmare that someone was calling me.  I heard my name and when I woke up, the room was dark.  Jackie was asleep, but I could sense an uneasiness in the air.  It did give me some shivers.  

    It happened a second time, but without a voice.  It just felt like someone was watching me.

    As you can guess, sleep was a pretty spotty commodity!

    My imagination sometimes is a little too strong.

Peace and Love

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