Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 How about I talk numbers today?

    For example, I have done 3,828 blog entries since I started this.

    Yikes.  No wonder people know so much about me.

    I share everything.  Well, almost everything.  I do keep some deeply private thoughts and actions hidden. 

    Such as this:  Gold bars hit a $1 million value last week!  I have 6 of them buried in the lot next door.  I hope people don't go out and dig up the back 1/3 of the lot looking for the bars because if they do, I will have to plant some wildflower seed when they give up looking.

    But I digress.  And hope.

    There have been 328,862 page views.  If I ever get a book finished, I would love to sell that many copies!

    I think the stats are off  a little.  According to the weekly report, my Aug. 19 post had over 500 views.  Now, I am not saying that is wrong, but no other post has gone much over the 150 mark.

    I keep thinking that I have written my last entry, then the next day comes along and I do it all again.

    And from left field:  I watched part of the DNC last night and realized how much I missed the Obamas.  Such great speakers, and good people.  

    Another number:  192.   That's what I was on Weigh In Wednesday.

    Two weeks ago, during my nausea and dizzy days, I was down to 189.  

    But when the dizziness subsided, I sort of binged on a lot of junk food.  

    In January 2023 I was at about 206.

    It has been a gradual weight loss.  For a long time I gave up French fries and potato chips, but I have started eating them again.  And sometimes not in moderation.  Also in the spring of 23 I also walked a lot at the indoor track.

    To be frightfully honest, I have not done much this summer.  Walking, biking, even walking the dog has just not happened as much as I should be doing.  And that is my fault.

    Friend Nadine and I went to Amboy today to buy 50/50 raffle tickets.  She contacted me yesterday and offered to pick me up and drive over.

    I honestly thought the drawing was last weekend! If she hadn't contacted me I would have never bought the winning ticket.

    Amboy has been doing this drawing for a number of years, and it gets bigger every year.

    Last year the winner walked away with $124,000!  Wonder how much I will win.

    I know....we all know.

Peace and Love

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