Friday, August 16, 2024

we will see

 We had another Comcast visit today

    I have lost count.  This may have been the fifth, or sixth time someone has out.

    I have faith this is the guy who fixed our problems!

    He found a kink in the cable from the wall to the modem.  He said the kink could be enough to slow the signal, or even stop the signal.  He replaced the cable.

    He also bypassed the booster we have in the basement.  He said although the booster tested fine, he thought the problem could be caused by that, so he bypassed it.

    I don't know what that involves. but he said it would not affect service in the house.

    We'll see.  If his fixes work, we still won't know which one it was that restored our service.... but I won't care!  Just give us dependable service!

    The test comes this weekend, even tonight, as I use the internet.  But the big test will be Monday when Julia is working.  She has had several drops during her work day and it is very frustrating to her.

    The final thing the tech did was to put an order in to monitor our modem so that when we lose the internet or it becomes very slow it will be easier to diagnose a problem.

    As for me, this was the dizziest I have been in a long time.  Just can't seem to walk straight and sometimes I can't even think straight.    The latter might not be a new problem, however.

    I just keep hoping.

Peace and Love

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