Saturday, August 10, 2024

Still stills

 This is getting to be pretty annoying

    You know what I mean!


    Went to the store looking for coyote urine today.  Did not find any, but ran into a long time friend, whom I immediately called Gary instead of Steve.

    I think my mind is being affected by the hearing loss.

    I knew who he was.  I know his wife, daughters, where they live, and for some reason thought he was someone else.

    I think it was the bald head that confused me.

    Went to Headon's for some meat today.

    Note to self:  Bring your 10 % off coupon with when you buy meat.

    Left Headon's, ordered a Starbucks.  Got there and they did not have my mobile order.  Why?  I forgot to hit place order.

    See?  My mind is being impacted by whatever is causing my hearing loss.

    Anyway, brats and burgers for supper along with some corn and wine and a little company.

    We were going to take our friend Sherie out for a retirement dinner tonight, but I just can't do that.  I am tired, can't hear any better, a little frustrated, and so we postponed yet another outing.  

    I did not get a nap in either.  I tried, but could not go to sleep despite me having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but I have been saying that for 2 weeks.  So far, it hasn't happened.

Peace and Love

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