Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 2 out of 3 ain't bad

    I have not had dizziness for 2 days!  Granted, if I turn too fast or walk on uneven surfaces, I get a little unsteady.  But no dizziness.

    And no nausea.

    But I still can't hear.

    I am going Friday to the ENT for a look at the hearing issue.  The next  steps will be determined at that point.

    I will ask about physical therapy to help with the unsteadiness, and future/possible dizzy times.  I will also check into iron counts.

    I really felt pretty good yesterday and today, just can't hear.

    I used my good ear, and louder volume, to listen to Pres. Biden last night.  I. thought he came across as forceful and effective in describing the work over the past 4 years.  I was a bit bugged that they brought him out after 10:30 though.  Jackie and I are working on getting up earlier, and waiting for him to speak did not help. that effort.

    So. tonight we taped the convention and watched the Cubs.

    Friend Barb e-mailed me about a column in the DeKalb Chronicle.  My NIU classmate and FB friend Lonnie Cain does a weekly column.  Last week I commented on one of his columns, telling about my experiences in addressing an envelope.  I wrote d instead of b.  I tried to fix it, which made it worse.  So I made a new envelope and wrote d instead of b. He used that story, sans last names, as part of his column.

    I have to say....  I was doing a weekly column for the local newspaper and his is so much better than anything I did.

    Julia and I made a trip out to her house this afternoon.  We were having leftover pizza from a niece's daughter's graduation party and Jackie opted out.  So I got her a tenderloin sandwich from Jay's Drive In in Oregon.  Suffice it to say, more left overs.

    I do appreciate everyone's concern over my health issues.  I am always the pessimist when it comes to my body, and that holds true in this case.

    Truthfully, I am a little (hell, I'll be honest...a LOT) frightened about what is causing this.  I know the sooner I find out, the better it will be.  I just want to be "normal".  If I ever was.

Peace and Love

Now that's a sandwich!

I even took a trip out to the native garden!

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