Sunday, September 1, 2024

beans, baby, beans

 I finally picked beans today

    But we did not finish the job.

    I just remembered I picked them.  Now they have to be trimmed, blanched and frozen.  Since it is after 8, that ain't about to happen!

    I guess I will put them in a container and stick them in the fridge until Tuesday.

    Tomorrow I am going to Bristol WI for the Ren Faire.

    This will be the first time in about 5 years I have gone and I'm looking forward to it.  We have a caretaker coming in for Jackie, which makes my mind a little easier.

    And what is totally me, I told Jackie we would do beans Monday.  She reminded me I would be gone.  Later on I told her I would do something else Monday.  Again, she reminded me I was going to be gone.  Getting old can be a pain.

    I wanted to go to see the VCCT production of "Godspell" but since it is a musical, and I am deaf in one ear, I figured that would be too frustrating for me.  So I picked beans.

    The Trib had an article about a mansion that just sold in Chicago for 14. 5 million.  The owners had paid 12 million for the 8 city lots the house sits on so they could demolish t he houses and build their mansion.  It has 6 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms and is somewhere between 15,000 and 25,,000 square feet. Some parts of the place are still unfinished.

    It had been listed for 50 mil, then 45, then 25 and it sold for 14.5.

    I can't comprehend paying that much for a house.  Or paying $324,000 in property taxes.

    When I read about such extravagance I think that the very rich should be paying more in taxes, and less for housing.

    And that's my opinion.

Peace and Love

This little guys sits by my garage fixture every night and catches bugs.  

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